Salvation and Sacraments
The Church's
The Crusades and
The Church is Formed

Complete the sentence: The Roman Catholic Church taught that gaining ____ was found by following the Church's teachings and living a moral life.



Who were the lowest rung of the Roman Catholic Church's hierarchy?

Monks and nuns. (Priests are also an acceptable answer)


What is one of the dangers Pilgrims faced?

Robbery, lack of shelter, or lack of food


What Roman Emperor was baptized and changed the religion of Ancient Rome? What was that religion?

Emperor Constantine converted the Ancient Roman empire to Christianity.


What did the Roman Catholic Church say was the reason for receiving sacraments?

They were essential to gaining salvation.


Why did a man become a monk?

Seeking refuge from war or sickness. Or To receive an education. Or They were attracted to a quiet life of prayer and service to others.


Why did people go on pilgrimages during the Middle Ages?

To show devotion to God


Complete the sentence: By 1050 AD, the Roman Catholic Church held the largest amount of ___ in all of Europe.


What is the sacrament of Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church?

A formal declaration (statement) of belief in God and the authority of the Roman Catholic Church

What did Franciscan friars do?

Travel among people to preach and care for the poor and sick.


What was a major destination for pilgrims?

Jerusalem, Rome, or the Canterbury Cathedral in England


Who developed the Monastic way of life? Hint: Monastic way of life is being a Nun or Monk.

Saint Benedict


What is the sacrament of penance (reconciliation) in the Roman Catholic Church?

Confession of sins to a priest in order to receive forgiveness.

(This is different from the Protestant Christian belief that we can confess our sins directly to God to restore our relationship with Him).


In the conflict of Pope Gregory and King Henry IV, who had more power; the Church or the monarch? Give an example to back up your claim.

The Church had more power, because he excommunicated King Henry IV. King Henry IV begged to be let back into the Church, giving the pope power over the monarch.


What were the Crusades?

A series of military expeditions to gain control of the Holy Land (Jerusalem and surrounding land)


How did the Roman Catholic Church come to wield great economic power?

The Roman Catholic Church was the largest landholder in Europe. OR The Roman Catholic Church collected a tithe (or tax).


Name the seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church.

Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Matrimony (marriage), Holy Orders (becoming a priest), Penance (reconciliation), Extreme Unction (anointing of the sick)


Name the positions in the Roman Catholic Church from highest to lowest.

The Pope, Cardinals, Archbishop, Bishops, and Priests


Why did a knight join a Crusade?

To seek wealth or adventure. OR They believed joining in the Crusade would give them salvation from God. OR They acted from deep religious belief that Christians should control Jerusalem. 


How did the Roman Catholic Church come to wield great political power?

The language of the Roman Catholic Church was Latin, which was the the only common language in Europe at the time. OR Roman Catholic Church officials were often the only people who could read, so they kept all the written records for monarchs, thus holding key positions as trusted scribes.