TCI 101
Me, Myself and I
Feelings Smeelings
Eh. No. Never.
Let's Get Physical
The goals of TCI.
What is to support and teach.
Being aware of the following: 1. Knowing our personal triggers 2. Demonstrating self-regulation strategies 3. Being aware of personal goals and beliefs
What is emotional competence.
The technique we use to de-escalate a young person, focus on what the young person is feeling and discover the underlying causes of behavior.
What is active listening or crisis communication?
The minimum amount of staff required in any restraint.
What is two.
The position we use in any situation to maintain our balance.
What is the protective stance?
The priority when dealing with any display of aggression and violence.
What is safety.
State the 4 questions we ask ourselves when facing potential crisis.
What is... 1. What am I feeling? 2. What does the child feel, need or want? 3. How is the environment affecting the child? 4. How do I best respond?
This is an example of positive self-talk.
What is -I can do this. -Any of the 4 questions. -Anything related to thinking through the crisis as long as it is positive.
Two warning signs of asphyxia. *****30 SECONDS FOR RESPONSE*****
What is -Young person goes limp and ceases to breathe. -States he or she cannot breath. -May make grunting noises. -Vomiting or turning a dusky purple color, especially of the face.
When we provide support in a way that reduces stress and risk.
What is crisis co-regulation.
What does trauma affect in a young person?
What is 1. How they think. 2. How they feel. 3. How they behave.
The equation that describes communication during times of crisis.
What is 55% facial expression + 28% tone of voice + 7% words.
Describe the meaning of the ice berg.
What is "to demonstrate that feelings and needs are most likely the cause of behaviors."
Name 3 predisposing risk factors that will put the young person at greater risk of serious injury during a physical restraint. *****30 SECONDS FOR RESPONSE*****
What is 1. Obesity 2. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs 3. Prolonged violent physical agitation 4. Underlying natural diseases 5. Blood pressure, diabetes 6. Hot humid environments 7. Individuals taking certain medications
Of all elements of a potentially violent situation there is one component that is the easiest to remove.
What is the target?
Anything that makes challenging behavior more or less likely to occur.
What is a setting condition?
Name 5 of the 8 Behavior Support Techniques.
What is 1. Managing the Environment 2. Caring Gesture 3. Redirection and Distractions 4. Directive Statements 5. Prompting 6. Hurdle Help 7. Proximity 8. Time Away
List 5 pain based behaviors. *****30 SECONDS FOR RESPONSE*****
What is 1. Impulsive Outburst 2. Aggression 3. Running Away 4. Self-Injury 5. Defiance 6. Inability to Regulate Emotions 7. Trauma Re-Enactment
4 Situations in which restraint should be avoided. *****30 SECONDS FOR RESPONSE*****
What is 1. We cannot control the young person safely. 2. We are not in control or are too angry. 3. Sexual stimulation is the motivation. 4. We are in a public place. 5. Young person has a weapon. 6. Young person's medical condition prohibits it. 7. Young person has emotional problems risking retraumatization. 8. Young person is on medication that affects his/ her system.
When we aim to provide immediate help and support to reduce emotional intensity, resolve the immediate crisis and work to keep the young person in the program.
What is emotional first aid?
State all phases of the stress model of crisis in the order in which they occur.
What is 1. Pre-crisis State/Baseline 2. Triggering Event 3. Escalation Phase 4. Outburst/Crisis 5. Recovery
The portion of the conflict cycle that affects if the cycle will continue or not.
What is the Adult’s Response?
List the phases of the Life Space Interview in order. *****30 SECONDS FOR RESPONSE*****
What is I- Isolate the conversation E- Explore the young person's point of view S- Summarize the feelings and content C- connect feelings to behavior A- Alternative behaviors discussed P- Plan developed/ practice new behaviors E- Enter young person back into the routine
List 4 recommendations to reduce the risk of injury (NEVER DO.) *****30 SECONDS FOR RESPONSE*****
What is 1. Never place weight on a young person's chest or back. 2. Never put pressure on the young person's neck. 3. Never place the head in a position that causes the neck to be compressed. 4. Never allow a young person to stay in the prone or supine position once he/ she is no longer a safety risk. 5. Never place a young person's arms behavior their back in a prone restraint. 6. Never bend a child forward in a small child or seated restraint. 7. Never place anything over or near the young person's face, mouth, or nose that can be inhaled or conformed to the contours of the face. 8. Never ignore any of the warning signs of asphyxia. 9. Never restrain a child in the prone position on a mattress or surface that can conform to the tours of the face. 10. Never restrain a child under the age of five.
This is not the purpose of physical restraint
What is -Demonstrate Authority -Enforce Compliance -Inflict Pain or Harm -Punish or Discipline