The official flower of Arnold Air Society
The Crimson Glory Rose
Arnold Air Society was named after him
General Henry "Hap" Arnold
Squadron Commander
AAS Cadet Major Huang
We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.
The first thing the Flight Commander must do after transiting to a new location
Get accountability.
They qualify as an AAS Associate
Members of Silver Wings, an association affiliated with AAS.
Arnold Air Society is this type of organization
Professional, Honorary, Service.
Director of Training
AAS Cadet Colonel Makayla Baldwin
The second Air Force Core Competency
Technology to Warfighting: The Tools of Combat Capability
While the flight is being sized for an ORI, you would do this after being tapped on the shoulder
Take a step backward and to the left (diagonal), and take the spot of the person who tapped you.
The four colors that represent Arnold Air Society and what they represent
White: the purity of our intent.
Red: the blood shed by Americans fighting for freedom.
Blue: the color of the sky in which we fly.
Gold: the wings with which we fly and warrior courage.
This is the Arnold Air Society Motto (quote and person)
"The warrior who cultivates his mind polishes his arms." — Duc de Boufflers
Standards and Evaluations
AAS Cadet 1st Lieutenant Hambel
The AFROTC Mission
Develop Air and Space Force leaders of character whom we expect to fight and win our nation's wars.
What the flight commander says for building entry procedures if their flight is facing the door
1. Guide, post the door. Deputy, post.
2. Column of files from the right/left
3. Forward ...
4. ... March
The first objective of Arnold Air Society
To create a more efficient relationship among Air Force officer candidates, in particular within the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps.
Arnold Air Society was founded at this University
University of Cincinnati
Financial Management Officer
AAS Cadet 1st Lieutenant Sagun
Article 5 of the Code of Conduct
When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.
During an ORI, if you are in the 1st element, you would do this after receiving the command "Open ranks, march"
Take 2 paces forward, halt, and perform dress right.
This Headquarters is responsible for the inspection of squadrons at least once per academic year
The Region Headquarters
Arnold Air Society was founded in this month and year
May 1947
Special Projects Officer
AAS Cadet 1st Lieutenant Krassin
An O-6 in the Air Force
When reporting in, you knock on the door this many times before entry.
One time