Phong Trao
Thanh Kinh
Thanh The
Chuyen Mon
Ca Hat
Nghiem Tap

What is the peak of the Eucharisitic Day?

Holy Mass and Holy Communion


Fill in the Blank "“This is my ______ ______ , with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” (Matthew 17:5) (2 words)

Beloved Son

Week of August 6th, 2023 - Transfiguration of the Lord - The Transfiguration of the Lord


Who do we call upon when we do the Sign of the Cross?

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit


What knot is used to tie two ropes of equal width together?

Square Knot


Fill in the blank "Hiệp Sĩ, tiến bước vào đời. Huynh Đệ, Bác Ái, ______ _____ _____ _____." (4 words) 

Phục Vụ, Hiệp Nhất


What are the 3 things to keep in mind while lining up?

Quick, Quiet, and Organized (NHANH NHẸN, TRẬT TỰ VÀ YÊN LẶNG)


What is the difference between a Job and a Calling?

Job - Quit

Calling- Continue fulfilling after accepting the calling


Fill in the Blank “Jesus said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you ______ ______ _____.’” (Mark 1:17) (3 words)

fishers of men

Week of January 21st, 2024 - 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Jesus Calls Four Fishermen (Mark 1:14-20)


What are the 4 requirements needed to receive Holy Communion? (I will accept the original 3 requirements for anyone that is not Nhat) (47)

1. State of Sanctifying Grace

2. Fasted for one hour

3. Keep ourselves clean

4. True desire


What is this road sign?



Fill in the blank "có ý cầu nguyện cách riêng theo ý ______ ______ ______." (3 words)

Ðức Giáo Hoàng 


Name the 5 Tua colors and what they represent?

Green - Phụng Vụ. (Faith, liturgical services)

Blue - Sinh Hoạt (Participation, fun activities, singing)

Yellow - Học Tập (Academics- Knowledge/Technical, learning)

Brown - Phục Vụ Lãnh Đạo (Service, servant leadership, selfless sacrifice)

Red - Tinh Thần (Spirit, teamwork, selfless enthusiasm)


What are the 3 types of vocation?

Basic Vocation

Life Vocation

Mission Vocation


What is the remember it quote for the Week of December 17th, 2023 - Make Straight the Way for Jesus’ Coming (John 1:6-8, 19-28)?

“Make straight the way of the Lord.” (John 1:23)


What is the significance of the priest or deacon kissing the Gospel Book after proclaiming the Gospel? (20)

It is a sign of reverence


Encode this word in Morse "Vietnamese"



Fill in the blank "Vui ra đi sầu vương trên mắt. ______ _______  _______  _______  _______ _______ ______" (7 words)

Xa cách nhau mình nhớ nhau hoài.


What are the 4 types of commands used in TNTT?

Oral, Hand, Sound, and Flag

(Khẩu Lệnh, Thủ Lệnh, Âm Lệnh, and Kỳ Lệnh)


What are the 2 most important things needed in a Night offering?

Perfect Contrition and Examination of Conscience


Fill in the blank "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____"  (Luke 1:38) (10 words)

"May it be done to me according to your word."


Why do we do the Sign of Peace? (42)

The Sign of Peace is a moment of profound reverence where it has this reconciling nature where we reconcile with our brothers and sisters, extending that peace of God to those that have offended us or we have offended. 




Fill in the Blank "Này công dân ơi ______  ______ ______  ______ ______  ______"  (6 words)

Đứng lên đáp lời sông núi,


What is the highest award given in a camp?

The Flag of Honor (Cờ danh dự)


Name all 8 Uy Vien positions under PCT QT?


What is the remember it quote for the 4th Sunday of Lent - Jesus Gives Us Light (John 3:14-21) (John 3:19)

"And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred the darkness to light, because their works were evil.” (John 3:19)


What are the 4 gestures the Priest performs during the Epiclesis? (35)

  1. Hands extended - This indicates the offering of our prayer and petition to the Father

  2. Hands joined in humble prayer - We ask the Father to accept our offerings

  3. Making the Sign of the Cross over the bread and wine - A blessing

  4. Extended hands with palms facing down over the bread and wine - The priest holds his hands over which represents the Holy Spirit over the gifts when he prays the Epiclesis. 


What is the significance of the flag at camp?

The flag is considered the symbol of a nation’s survival through the trials and tribulations in its history. Likewise, TNTT’s flag symbolizes its life as a Catholic youth organization. The flagpole serves the purpose of making the flag(s) boldly present and visible for everyone to see.


Fill in the blank " Suốt cuộc đời ba mươi năm làm người vâng lời treo gương sáng. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _______ ______" (9 words)

Hai ba năm về sau ra đời dạy lời.


What are the 4 Flags used in TNTT?

American Flag, Vietnam Flag, VEYM Flag, and Team Flag