Using unwanted contact that is violent and it often escalates in severity as time goes on
What is physical violence?
You respect and value your partner, and express gratitude often.
What is appreciation?
Extreme jealousy, insecurity, or controlling behavior as a form of ________
A friend who you can trust.
Who is a trusted friend?
Using threats, insults, manipulation to try to control you
What is emotional/psychological/verbal abuse?
You are invested in your partner and the relationship. You give the relationship adequate time and energy.
What is commitment?
Explosive ______ or unusual moodiness
A family member you can talk to
Mom/dad, grandparents, aunt/uncle, older siblings/cousins
1 in 3 teens will experience an unhealthy relationship
Using fear to try to control you by following you, monitoring your social media, constantly calling or texting you
What is stalking?
You take your partner’s perspective and understand their feelings, even if you do not always agree.
What is empathy?
_____ to do activities of any kind that you do not feel comfortable doing
A staff member you can talk to
Mental health professional (Maggy/Aimee, school counselors/psychs) or assistant principals
Violence is normally committed by someone that the victim knows
Tagging you in posts or memes to hurt you, convincing you to send pictures you don't want to, sending mean messages on social media
What is digital abuse?
You have your own interests and goals separate from those of your partner.
What is independence?
Constantly monitoring location or ______ media
A teacher I can talk to
Who is a teacher I trust?
There are no options to help someone experiencing a violent relationship
Any sexual behavior that is unwanted and that is carried out without consent from both partners
What is sexual abuse?
You respect your partner’s boundaries. You feel safe physically, intellectually (expressing thoughts), and emotionally (expressing feelings).
What is safety?
_____ from friends and family
A number I can call or text if I need help
LOVEIS to 22522, 988, 211
Experiencing dating violence can have long-term impacts