The Return of the Articles
Ideas, Ideas, Ideas
An Everest of a Challenge
Editor for a Day
Infernal Inferences

I have ___ headache.

What is a? 


The focus, or most important idea, in a paragraph.

What is main idea?


This is another word for the top of mountain.

What is the summit?


won categories of dogs is bass said on sizes. 

What is "One category of dogs is based on size."?


Combining available information with reasonable knowledge to make a smart guess.

What is an inference?


Last year, I had a vacation in ___ Virgin Islands.

What is the?


These support the main idea of a paragraph.

What are supporting details / examples?


Boredom, excitement, adrenaline rush, fame, or discovering inner strength.

What are the possible reasons why people do dangerous things?


It'z inpossible to know weather over 1/3 of the medcines in the world have been disappeared in the next tin years. 

What is "It's impossible to know whether over 1/3 of the medicine in the world will disappear in the next ten years."?


I come in pairs and can be very stinky. I can be tied, or I can hang loose. I will help you chase your dreams or run for your life. What am I?

What are shoes?


For dinner, I had ___ hamburger and ___ Coke.

What is a?


This should be done after presenting supporting details or evidence.

What is interpret / explain? 


"Because it is there"

What was George Mallory's reason for climbing Mount Everest?


Estudents cain be devided into tree groups based on an university they attended; top, middle, or lowe level. 

What is "Students can be divided into three groups based on the university they attend: top, middle, or low level."? 


Octavio wrote down the homework on the back of his hand, and when class finished, he threw everything into his bag. What can you infer about the character of Octavio?

What is messy/ unorganized?


My favorite team is ___ Chicago Bulls, but my brother is ___ Boston Celtics fan.

What is the and a?


Main Idea: Kangaroos usually have only one baby at a time. Which details supports the previous sentence? A. Kangaroo babies are called joeys. B. Kangaroos eat grass and leaves.

What is A.?


April, May, October, December, and January. 

What are the best months of the year to climb Mount Everest? 


I wanna eat ice creme; and all day, everyday; and neber gane weit. 

What is "I want to eat ice cream all day, every day and never gain weight."?


I am big and gray. I use mud to cool myself during the summer. I have a trunk and like to roam around. I knock down trees when I cannot reach the branches. What am I?

What is an elephant?


We wanted to go to movies, but instead we stayed home and watched the TV.

What is the and no article after watched?


An "others" category. 

Something you want to avoid when making a classification. 


This has been causing a huge environmental problem on Mount Everest. 

What is tons of garbage? 


It is naught uncommun four peeple to slept aight ours or more; and this cain caused an sleep imbalence.

What is "It is not uncommon for people to sleep eight hours or more; however, this can cause a sleep imbalance. 


I am not a magician, but I make things disappear. I come in all shapes and sizes, but am most often found in white. I can be a student's best friend. What am I?

What is an eraser?