What is the closest star to earth
The sun
To ask about the reason of someone doing something, we use the W.H question
A) What
B) Which
C) Why
D) How many
E) How much
C) Why
What structure do we use to talk about plans/promises?
A) Will
B) Going to
C) both
B) Going to
How can I say "O melhor" in English?
The Best
True or false: To ask for permissions/requests in a Formal way, we need to use the modal verb "May"
How many legs does a spider have?
8 legs
Answer the question in english:
Where will you go tomorrow?
What structure do we use to talk about predictions of the future
A) Will
B) Going to
C) Both
C) both
Translate the sentence
"Meu carro é mais rapido do que uma Ferrari"
My car is faster than a Ferrari
Make a sentence using
"They + Would + in China"
They would _____________ in China
What is the biggest (by land) in the world?
Translate the sentence to English:
"Quando você quer se mudar para os Estados Unidos?"
When do you want to move to the USA?
Make a NEGATIVE sentence using:
Answer the question
"What is the most interesting series on Netflix?"
The modal verb "Can" is used in what situation?
A) to talk about Abilities
B) to make requests/ask for permission
C) to talk about possibilities
D) All of the above
D) All of the above
Name the capital of the USA
Washington, DC
Which W.H question we use to ask about the quantity of a COUNTABLE object?
A) How many
B) How much
A) How many
"Eu acho que ele virá aqui em 3 dias"
I think he will come here in 3 days
"She is ____________ girl in the world for me"
A) The most pretty
B) The Prettiest
C) The Prettier
D) The more pretty
B) The prettiest
Double points!
Answer the question: In what situations can we use the modal verb "SHOULD"?
To give advice, to make recomendations, and to talk about moral obligations.
Who invented scissors?
A) Charles Dickens
B) Elon Musk
C) Leonardo DaVinci
Create a question, using "WHAT + TO BE + GOING TO+ NEXT YEAR''
Your classmate answers it
Explain (In English) the difference between WILL and GOING to
We use will to talk about spontaneuous actions we don't plan. Going to is used to talk about actions we plan.
Create a sentence using