Student Problems
Teacher-Student Conflict
The No-Lose Method
Active Listening
When listeners summarize what the speaker said before being allowed to respond. a. summarizing content b. paraphrase rule c. listening carefully
What is the paraphrase rule.
Three aspects that affect how a message is received by a student are?
What are body position, word choice and gestures.
The ____ _________ method is when no one person is expected to give in completely.
What is the "no lose" method.
Name the first step of the no-lose method.
What is define the problem.
Name the first step in active listening.
What is blocking out external stimuli.
__________ is not just words exchanged between a teacher and student, but also includes many factors. a. Talking it out b. Communication c. Sign language
What is communication.
When a teacher says one thing but their body language and gestures say another, the students may hear: a. mixed emotions b. secret sayings c. a hidden message
What is a hidden message.
How many components are there in active listening? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5
What is b. 4
Name the second step in the no-lose method.
What is generate many possible solutions.
Name the second step in active listening.
What is attending carefully to both the verbal and nonverbal messages.
Hearing the intent and emotions behind what another says and reflecting them back by paraphrasing is called?
What is empathetic learning
“The first principle of communication is that people respond to what they think was said or meant, not necessarily to the speaker’s _________ message or actual words.” a. said b. intended c. wrong
What is "intended"
Name one method for resolving teacher-student conflict.
What is "the teacher imposes a solution."
Name the third step in the no-lose method.
What is evaluate each solution (brainstorm again if no solution found).
Name the third component of active listening.
What is differentiating between the intellectual and the emotional content of the message.
Telling a student what they are doing wrong, how it is affecting you as a teacher, and how you feel about it is called what? a. "I" Message b. Descriptive Message c. Rationalizing
What is a. "I" message
Three things a teacher can do to help a student find a solution to a problem that is not directly known.
What is coaching, counseling, and supporting
Name a method for solving a teacher-student conflict.
What is "the teacher gives in to student demands."
Name the fourth step of the no-lose method.
What is make a decision- choose solution through teacher/student consensus.
Name the fourth component of active listening.
What is making inferences regarding the speaker's feelings.
Name the type of discipline that is clear and firm so the child knows that you are serious without being overpowering.
What is assertive discipline.
When the listener gives feed back on what the speaker was saying. a. passive listening b. active listening c. competitive interrupting
What is active listening.
When teachers make "you" statements condemning the student without stating what they should be doing. a. Hostile response statement b. Friendly response statement c. Condemnation statement
What is a hostile response statement.
Name the fifth and sixth step in the no lose method.
What is determine how to implement solution (what’s needed, and who will be responsible for task) and evaluate the success of the solution (ask questions-“How well is this working”)
Name all four components of active listening in order.
What is blocking out external stimuli, attending carefully to both the verbal and nonverbal messages, differentiating between the intellectual and the emotional content of the message, and making inferences regarding the speaker's feelings.