Policies pt 1
Policies pt 2
Classroom Management/ Regulations
Emergency Procedures
Instructional Guidelines
Health and Safety
Discipline Policy

We want to have what percentage Albanian/English do we want to have in the classroom this year? 



True or False: A teacher does not have to mark a student as tardy when he/she is late as long as the student brings her chocolate. 



Name two school approved means of written communication to parents mentioned in the handbook

- School email

- Gradelink


What time should all teacher be in school? And what is the first thing teachers should do when they come to work? 

7:30; Check in with their card at the office. 


True or false: A teacher should take her phone with her in the case of the alarm going off. 

Teachers are required to take their cell phone for communication purposes, if it is safe to do so.


What do teacher assistants do? 

Help the teacher in whatever way is needed.


How often do teachers need to fill out the weekly newsletter?



True or False: A student sticking his/her tongue out at another student is considered bullying and should be reported to the principal. 



What should a teacher do the first time a student misbehaves? 

Correct him/her verbally


Name the 3 elementary goals for this semester. 

Increase Family Engagement

Improve Students' Albanian

Inspire teachers to excel in their instructional practices, student relationships, and professional development


True or false: Family vacation does not qualify as an excused absence. 



Name 2 Lunch Monitor Responsibilities.

  • Lunch monitors are responsible for overseeing the lunchroom, ensuring all rules are followed, and providing assistance to students as needed.

  • Lunch monitors are encouraged to have conversations with students during this time. 

  • Monitors should be vigilant and proactive in maintaining order and addressing any issues that arise.

  • Monitors should not allow students to leave the lunchroom for any reason with the exception of washing hands or using the bathroom.


What are the teachers' responsibilities in ordering lunch for students? 

- Taking the order.

- Collecting the money.

- Recording any change owed.

- Returning change to the student the next day.


Name one of the three ways mentioned in the handbook to prevent fires. 

  • No candles will be lit in school without proper precautions.

  • Students are not allowed to have lighters or matches in their possession

  • The only place controlled fires are permitted are during science experiments in the science labs.


True or false: You should create your lesson plans and share them with Lydia. 

False: You need to create your lesson plans and put them in the lesson plan folder provided by Lydia.


What drinks are allowed in class? 



Under what two circumstances can teachers immediately call the office due to student illness?

Fever, vomiting 

True or False: When a student has his/her name written on the board it stays on display the entire week. 

False. Students names should be erased at the end of the day unless they are moved to a designated section because they have lunch detention the next day. 


Give one example of parent engagement that we are starting this year that we have not had in the previous years. 

- Parent Workshops

- Calendar opening the school for parent participation

- Across the board template for parent-teacher conferences


Name two acceptable reasons for a teacher to use her cell phone in class.

- Documenting classroom activities

- Classroom tools

- Emergency communication with principal


True or False: The following is a school appropriate outfit. Explain your answer. 

False: Avoid spaghetti straps, shorts, short skirts, and clothing that exposes the midriff (when hands are raised).


What is the grading scale that will be used in 2024-2025 and the percentages? 

1: 0%-59%

2: 60%-69%

3: 70%-79%

4: 80%-89%



What are the three one word possible scenarios 

Run, Hide, Fight


True or false: No more than two major tests should be given in one school day. 

True. A major test is defined as a test designed to take an entire class period.


Teachers should request approval for field trips how far in advance? 

2 weeks


If a child says he/she doesn't feel well, what is the first thing a teacher should do? 

Monitor the child for half an hour


What is the name of the form sent home for students to work through with their parents? 

Live with Excellence Form


Name one way we are helping our teachers excel according to our stated goals. 

  • Implementing a teacher mentorship program

  • Providing professional development

  • Providing feedback on monthly teacher observations


Homeroom teachers are to record attendance before what time?


Specials teachers are to input attendance of students before 3:30. 


When can teachers wear jeans? 

Jeans may be worn any day of the week if they are clean, unfaded, free of holes or rips, and paired with a professional top. 


What can be printed in color? 

Colored copies are only to be made for materials that remain in the classroom for display or games. Teachers may not make colored copies for any materials sent home with students.


What should the teacher instruct the class to do in the case of an earthquake while in class.

If class is in session, instruct your students to immediately sit under a desk or table, hold onto the desk’s leg and stay calm and quiet.


Supplemental materials such as Youtube, other websites, or videos can be a valuable resource for teachers. When supplemental materials are used, they must be: ______________ & ___________

  • Relevant to the objectives of the class.

  • Previewed by the teacher.


What is the new snack policy? 

Every student brings his/her own snack. If a student doesn't bring a snack, he/she doesn't eat. 


When are teachers allow to give medication to students? 

When the parent has left the medication at the front office and has provided written instructions and a request for the teacher to apply the medication. 


How many LWE forms does a student receive before an office referral? 



Fill in the blank. We want to increase family engagement by:

  • Creating and implementing a template for parent-teacher conferences and follow-up

  • Plan and conduct four parent workshops for the upcoming school year

  • Creating a calendar opening the school for parent participation

  • ___________________________________


Plan and implement bi-monthly activities for parents and students


Name 5 recess rules.

- All rules posted on the playground must be followed.

-Chasing games on or around the playground area are strictly prohibited.

-Any student found running on the playground equipment must be immediately removed from recess and required to walk along the wall of the school near the ramp for the remainder of recess or a period of time set by the teacher.

-Only 2nd graders and above are allowed to use the playground equipment (jump ropes, hula hoops, etc.)

- No playground equipment such as jump ropes, hula hoops, etc., or balls are allowed on the playground.

- All playground equipment must be used under the pavilion or in the designated grassy area in front of the playground.

- All basketballs must be used exclusively on the courts.

- Equipment must be returned to their designated storage areas before the end of the last class's recess.

- No students are allowed to play in the courtyard.

- Students are not permitted to play football on the courts. They may play football when the grass is dry in the grassy area behind the courts and playground. If the ground is wet, they may not play football. 


What three specific instances of communication are required from teachers to parents during the year? 

- 3 emails a week

- Anytime a child receives a LWE form 

- Parent/Teacher conferences


What should a teacher do if she wants to use the copy machine for personal use? 

Permission may be granted by the principal to make personal copies. A charge of $.05/black and white copy and $.20/colored copy must be paid in the school office.


Walk through the teacher's experience of a fire drill according to the handbook

  • When the alarm sounds, teachers should always respond as though there is a real emergency even if they know it is a drill.  

  • Teachers and students should leave all belongings including hats or bags. (Teachers are required to take their cell phone for communication purposes, if it is safe to do so.)

  • Teachers are to maintain control of the students. The students are to remain in complete silence for the entire duration of the fire drill. 

  • Upon hearing the alarm, teachers are to immediately line up their students inside the classroom.

  • Teachers should direct their students to the closest exit as marked on the emergency exit maps around school. 

  • Once the last student has exited the classroom, teachers are to take their emergency clipboard, turn off the lights to the classroom, and shut the door. 

  • Teachers will catch up to the start of their class’s line and lead them to their designated area in the safety zone on the tennis courts as indicated below:

  • Once in the safety zone, teachers will take a silent roll call (students responding only by show of hands not verbal call out). If everyone is accounted for, teachers will hold up their green paper on their emergency clipboard. If a student is missing, the red card should be held up. 

  • If a teacher notices the absence of another staff member, he/she should inform the principal. 

  • If the fire alarm occurs during a special, it is the teacher’s responsibility to abide by the fire drill procedures. The homeroom teacher will meet the “specials” teacher in the designated area. 

  • Teachers are to set an example for students. No unnecessary talking should happen between teachers or staff members during the fire drill. 


For students in 3rd-5th grade, assignments will be marked down by what percent every school day the assignment is late?



Teachers are required to attend a minimum of ____ elementary extracurricular activities/ meetings a year.



Give three things you learned reading the child protection policy.

Answers may vary


How many office visits result in a meeting with the management and the possibility of expulsion?