Meat, Fish, eggs, tofu
Name three types of fingerprints
loop, arch, whorl
Name three natural materials
rock, wood, sand, rubber, oil
What is teacher John's favourite colour?
Yellow and Pink (one is ok)
Name three types of carbohydrates
Bread, noodles, rice, potatoes
Name two environmental characteristics
Favourite colour, food you like, books you prefer to read, the language you speak, hobbies, being able to play musical instrument etc
Name three man made materials
glass, paper, plastic, fibre,
What is teacher John's baby's name?
Say one food we should eat a little, one we should eat some, one we should eat a lot
Eat a little: Candy, chocolate, cola, cream, deserts butter
Eat some: meat, milk, rice, noodles, potatoes
Eat a lot: fruit and vegetables, fish, nuts, water
Explain the difference between inherited characteristics and environmental characteristics
Inherited characteristics are those we are born with, we inherit them (get them) from our parents and other family members. They can not change. (Example: eye colour)
Environmental characteristics are traits that we develop as we grow, based on the things around us. They are not something you are born with, you pick them up as you grow. (Example: favourite colour)
Name a plant that can live in the desert?
What country is teacher John from?
Draw a food pyramid and label at least 7 things inside
Draw on the whiteboard
What is the word that means you have two dominant hands, that you can do everything with both. Say it and spell it
Waterproof: plastic, rubber
What is teacher John's surname? (second name) You must spell it correctly for all points