Why do we celebrate Teacher's Day?
To say thank you to teachers.
What is an important day for teachers in Autumn?
Teacher's day, celebrated on the 5th of October.
For teacher's day who is replacing the teachers?
9th grade students
Who is the president of Estonia?
Alar Karis
When is Teacher's Day celebrated?
October 5th
On what date does Autumn officially start?
22nd of September.
After lessons, the teachers played a game on Friday. What game was it?
Who was the president of Estonia from 1992 to 2001?
Lennart Meri
Who celebrates teacher's day?
The teachers and the students.
When is All Souls Day?
2nd of November
In 2024, Tartu Raatuse School is celebrating its birthday. How old is the school going to be?
105 years old
Who was the president of Estonia from 2016 to 2021?
Kersti Kaljulaid
Teacher's day originates from a large Asian country, with the highest population in the world. What country is it?
When do we turn the clocks in Autumn?
The last Sunday of October. This year, it is on the 27th of October.
How many students are there at Tartu Raatuse School?
Õpilased võivad öelda numbri ±50 (st vahemik 590-690 loeme õigeks). Exact answer 640 students.
Who was the president of Estonia from 2006 to 2016?
Toomas Henrik Ilves
How long has Teacher's day been celebrated?
Õpilased võivad öelda numbri ±10 (st vahemik 52-72 loeme õigeks) Exact answer 62 years.
On what date does Winter officially start?
21st of December
How many teachers are there at Tartu Raatuse School?
Õpilased võivad öelda numbri ±5 (st vahemik 51-61 loeme õigeks) Exact answer 56 teachers.
Who was the president of Estonia from 2001 to 2006?
Arnold Rüütel