What should a teacher do if a student refuses to get off their phone?
Give a suitable number of warnings then take away the phone and have further punishments and talk to parents.
How do you react when a student has their head down all the time even after being told to sit up multiple times?
Talk to them after class and ask them if anything is happening outside of school, let them know you are there to help.
Is it okay to do fun things that are slightly off track to lighten the mood of a classroom? (True or False)
Do teachers take the role of parent when students enter the classroom? (True or False)
How long should an activity take?
No longer than 15-20 minutes.
Two students are having a verbal altercation, what do you do?
Try and get them to both sit down and maybe have one sit outside and call for administration if it gets rough.
What is a mandated reporter?
A legally obligated person to report a suspect of child abuse or neglect.
What is important to build personally with a student? (It has a special name)
Rapport (Rapp-h-or)
How should you introduce yourself on the first day in the classroom?
Try and not be so much of a teacher and rather try and connect with them on a student to student level, let them know you'll be a cool teacher and be reasonable with classroom rules especially when you first start off.
What's a good way to get someone who won't talk to engage?
Ask them after or before class what they are comfortable with and check up on them but not too much.
How many states still allow paddling as a punishment? (Hint: above 15)
19 states.
Who are the mandated reporters? (There are technically 7 but really only 3)
School personnel, Law enforcement, social workers (health care)
Passion is all about being on FIRE infront of your class, what does this mean?
Have a burning passion and be a brightness in the room to ignite other people's passion.
How do you manage work load?
Try and stay on track with other teachers but also keep in mind that every student is NOT the same, no two children are, so always ask if your new class is up to speed.
How do you engage with your class?
Ask questions, open ended questions not yes or no questions. Try and make a game for them to play.
How did the teacher in Stand and Deliver handle classroom management?
He built a relationship and understood and got to know their backgrounds before being just another authority figure, however he still did his job.
What did the kid have in his shoe? (In mrs hess 's story about a previous trip to moonlake)
His grandmas phone number.
What Does P.I.R.A.T.E mean? (6 Terms ,you need 3 of them correct)
Passion, Immersion, Rapport, Ask & Analyze, Transformation and Enthusiasm.
How to handle your first misbehaving student?
Try and de-escalate and without too much hesitation contact a parent, then get an administrator if it's not resolved.
How should you handle giving directions to a sub?
Be thorough and detailed. Give specific instructions as if you were teaching.