Saul's Roman name
What is Paul?
(Acts 13:9)
City that is home for the God-fearing Gentile
What is Caesarea?
(Acts 10:1)
How the Gentile received the message to send for a teacher
What is a vision?
(Acts 10:3)
Lesson for Peter shown through the vision of the sheet with all kinds of animals, reptiles, and birds
What is "What God has made clean, do not call common"
(Acts 10:15)
People who joined Peter to go to Caesarea to meet with Cornelius
Who are "some of the brothers from Joppa" or other Jewish Christians?
(Acts 10:23)
Roman Centurion who was a God-fearing man
Who is Cornelius?
(Acts 10:1,2)
City of church that sent out Saul and companions on the first missionary journey
What is Antioch?
(Acts 13:1, 3)
Activity accomplished by Saul and Barnabas as they were leaving the cities at end of the first missionary journey
What is appointment of elders in every church?
(Acts 14:23)
Deeper, more specific, message of the vision seen by Peter
What is "Gentiles (all people) have opportunity to hear the good news and receive forgiveness of their sins"?
(Acts 10:34,35; 11:18)
Requirement to be acceptable to God
What is "fear God and do what is right"?
(Acts 10:35)
Tanner who was hosting Peter near Joppa
Who is Simon?
(Acts 10:5,6)
Island first reached by group on the first missionary journey
What is Cyprus?
(Acts 13:4)
Evidence given to show God's approval and acceptance of the Gentiles
What is the Holy Spirit falling on the Gentiles while Peter was speaking?
(Acts 10:44, 45; 11:15,18)
Paul said these people did not recognize Jesus nor accept Him as the One spoken of through the prophets
Who are the Jewish rulers (leaders)?
(Acts 13:27)
Jewish false prophet who was opposing Barnabas and Paul
Who is Bar-Jesus (Elymas)?
(Acts 13:6,8)
Leading companion for Saul on the first missionary journey
Who is Barnabas?
(Acts 13:2,3)
Place often visited by Saul as the place to begin his teaching in a city as part of his journey
What is the synagogue?
(Acts 13:5,14; 14:1)
Commanded by Peter of the Gentiles
What is to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ?
(Acts 10:48)
In his preaching, Paul quoted David to give evidence of God doing what with Jesus
What is "raising Him from the dead"?
(Acts 13:33, 34)
Promise given to Abram (Abraham) which was fulfilled with the conversion of Cornelius (a Gentile)
What is "in you all families of the earth shall be blessed"?
(Genesis 12:3;22:18; Acts 10:34,43; 11:18)
Travel companion who abandoned the missionary journey once on the Asian mainland
Who is John Mark?
(Acts 13:13; 12:25)
First missionary journey city where Saul was first actually stoned
What is Lystra?
(Acts 14:8, 19)
Happened in Lystra leading to Barnabas and Paul being called gods
What is healing a man crippled from birth?
(Acts 14:8-12)
Jesus made possible forgiveness of sins which could not be accomplished by this
What is "the law of Moses"?
The real motivation/motivator of the Jews leading them to contradict and revile Paul.
What is jealousy?
(Acts 13:45)