Critical Theory
Pedagogical Approaches
Reading Skills
Social Action

What does critical approach to education emphasize in the learning process?

It emphasizes the importance of learner engagement and the development of critical thinking skills and students own opinions and positions.


What is the problem-posing approach in education?

An approach that encourages students to identify and discuss real-world problems, fostering critical thinking and engagement with the content.


What does it mean to “analyze” information in reading?

It refers to the ability to look into the nature and production conditions of the text. This can take extra work to figure out where the authors background originates from.


What does "reading for social action" entail?

It involves using reading as a means to promote social change and engage with community issues actively.


Define the concept of "banking education" as critiqued by the article.

"Banking education" refers to a traditional model where students are seen as passive recipients of knowledge, rather than active participants in their learning. Being an active participant means generating one's own ideas of the text and being ready to create skepticism and dialogue with the text.


What does it mean to build a relationship with a text?

A reader makes a connection between the text and their own life experiences allowing them to move to the next level of analysis of the text.


Describe the importance of a teacher providing multiple voices and multiple articles within a classroom?

It allows students to analyze different perspectives and deepen their understanding of the material.


Name an example of a social action project that could emerge from critical reading.

Developing educational campaigns or workshops around issues discussed in a text, such as LGBTQ+ rights or environmental awareness.


According to the text, where does reading comprehension truly come from?

It suggests that meaning is created through the interaction between the readers own experiences and the text, highlighting that reading is an active, dynamic process.


How can teachers facilitate reading skills beyond "surface level"?

By encouraging students to question texts, explore multiple interpretations, and connect readings to their own experiences and go beyond the meaning they think the teacher is looking for. This is known as critical reflection.


According to the author, what is a current reading strategy taught in schools that is not enough to create true engagement with a text?

Scanning and skimming is the most common taught reading strategy that does not create true engagement.


According to the author, how do students need to view themselves while reading a text in order to properly engage with it?

A student must see themselves as a "co-author" of the material. Being ready to dialogue with their co-creator.


Explain how critical pedagogy challenges traditional assessment methods in reading.

It advocates for assessments that value student interpretations and connections to real-world contexts rather than solely focusing on predetermined teacher expectations.


What is the significance of horizontal power relationships in the classroom?

It creates an environment where all voices are valued equally, allowing for collaborative learning and mutual respect among students and teachers. Putting students viewpoint, the teachers viewpoint, and the author's viewpoint all on the same level.


Identify a key strategy for developing critical readers.

Encouraging students to create meaningful relationships between the text and their own lives and experiences and pushing for students to take their own stance and express their own beliefs toward the reading.


Explain the importance of a teacher having an open mind within a classroom.

It allows for students to be able to share their own interpretation of a reading and express their own viewpoints they gained from the reading.