What writing system was named for its characteristic wedge-shaped impressions which form its signs?
Cuneiform (Latin: cuneus)
What language does "graffiti" originate in?
("graffiato" scratched / "graffito" scribbling /
"graffo" scratch or scribble)
What is "the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving..." (p. 86)
ZOPD! the Zone of Proximal Development
What does "hair of the dog that bit you" mean?
an alcoholic drink intended to cure one's hangover
(etymology: a folk remedy for rabies by placing hair from the dog that bites one into the wound!)
who is this?
a gruffalo
Which morpheme is redundant in the word
"ir" means not, but "less" means without
so "irregardless" means not without regard
English and German are Germanic languages. Name 2 other Germanic languages
Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish, Flemish
What language does the word "psychology" come from?
psychē (meaning breath, principle of life, life, soul)
logia (from Greek logos, meaning speech, word, reason)
What are the first signs that a child uses as a precursor to what will become written language?
gestures, pointing, writing in air, ... scribbles
What does the idiom "a dime a dozen" mean?
something so common or easy to obtain that it has little to no value
In the book "Goodnight Moon," there is a quiet old lady who was whispering what?
What morphemes are used to denote gender in Spanish?
o / a
os / as
What does this symbol mean in Chinese?
What language does the expression "gung ho" come from?
(used in English to mean overly enthusiastic or energetic)
Mandarin Chinese
an Americanism that originated during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) from a Chinese term, 工合 (pinyin: gōnghé; lit. 'to work together'), short for Chinese Industrial Cooperatives (Chinese: 工業合作社; pinyin: Gōngyè Hézuòshè).
How does play create a zone of proximal development?
Play creates a zone of proximal development in which a child behaves beyond his average age, above his daily behavior, as though he were a head taller than himself (p. 102).
(in play: rules, imaginary situations develop abstract thought, learns functions of objects and concepts, desires, create new relations and meanings, fun!)
What does the idiom "bite your tongue" mean?
to stop yourself from saying something
In "Hooway for Wodney Wat," who is the new rodent in school who bosses around the others?
Camilla Capybara
If we create new words by adding these kinds of morphemes, they create a new word which would get its own entry in the dictionary?
derivational morphemes
(e.g. transport, transporter, transportation)
The Cascajal block found in Veracruz, Mexico is an example of which civilization's writing?
The Olmec
(circa 900 BCE)
"Dysfunction" is a hybrid word that brings together what two languages?
dys (Greek) + function (Latin)
Why are Vygotsky's ideas in psychology so foundational to socio-cultural theories of education?
Learning is social.
So are language and literacy.
In Italy, "un cane in chiesa" "a dog in church" means what?
an unwanted guest
On Saturday the Very Hungry Caterpillar feasts... name 2 items that he eats on Saturday to much regret.
chocolate cake, strawberry ice cream cone, pickle, Swiss cheese, salami, lollipop, cherry pie, sausage, a cupcake, and watermelon
Which of the following words contains only ONE morpheme?
textbook, banana, pigs, swimming
text-book, BANANA, pig-s, swim-ming
Russian and Ukranian are Slavic languages. Name 2 other Slavic languages
Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian
What language does the word "zero" originate in?
It's the same Arabic root that gives us the word cipher, which can mean something that was done in secret.
What caused Lev Vygotsky's death?
a relapse of tuberculosis
June 11, 1934 at the age of 37
What does the German idiom "leben wie die made im speck" mean?
Living large or in the lap of luxury.
(Literal meaning: Living like a maggot in bacon)
If you give a mouse a cookie spinoffs...
If you take the mouse to WHERE?
These morphemes change what a word does in terms of grammar but does not create new word...
inflectional morphemes
(e.g. hop, hops, hopping, hopped)