Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Port Weller Math
Being able to think and act flexibly with a topic or concept...must be a primary goal for all the math you teach
What is understanding
a range of knowledge that may be out of reach for the individual to learn alone but accessible if the learner has support from peers...a balance between boredom and anxiety.
What is zone of proximal development (Sociocultural Theory)
a method of teaching mathematics that helps students develop relational understanding
What is teaching through problem solving
Any task or activity for which students have no prescribed or memorized rules or methods, and for which they do not have a perception that there is a specific "correct" solution method
What is a problem
What is the school phone number
Conceptual understanding, Procedural fluency, Strategic competence, Adaptive reasoning, Productive Disposition
What are the 5 strands of Mathamatical Proficiency
Teaching students to solve problems using a single standard algorithm or strategy promotes this
What is instrumental understanding
problem solving, reasoning and proving, reflecting, selecting tools and computational strategies, connecting, representing, communicating
What are the mathematical processes
The interactions between all participants that occur throughout the lesson.
What is Classroom discourse
What is our population (278)
You can support this student's development of this practice by helping them create representations that correspond to the meanings of the quantities and the units involved
What is Reason abstractly and quantitatively
In this type of classroom, students are allowed to solve problems or to approach tasks in ways that make sense to them
What are learner-centered classrooms
Teaching through problem solving encourages deep relational understanding by accomplishing these goals (give 4 out of 9)
What is: ~Focuses students' attention on ideas and sense making ~Emphasises mathematical processes and practices ~Develops student confidence ~Provides context to help build meaning ~Provides multiple entry and exit points ~Allows for extensions/elaborations ~Engages students ~Provides formative assessment ~Is fun
Classroom discourse is created through teacher prompts and questioning in order to do these 3 things
What are: Clarifying students' ideas, Emphasizing reasoning, Encourage student-student talk
6:21 or 6 to 21
What is the ration of male staff to female staff
through reflective thought, people connect existing ideas to new information and thus modify their existing schemas or background knowledge to incorporate new ideas
What is Constructivism
Direct instruction, facilitative methods, and coaching
What are the 3 common types of teaching
This low-level cognitive demand task involves producing previously learned facts, rules, formulas or definitions
What is Memorization
create a graph, display data in a table, illustrate using manipulatives, draw a diagram, explain in words, give a real-life example, write using symbols
What are ways to demonstrate/represent mathematical understanding/thinking
(85,88,85) (87,87,74)
What were our EQAO scores for 2012-2013
the goal of teaching is to move students away from memorization or instrumental understanding and toward this
What is relational understanding
students' ideas are key student talk is evident and common mistakes provide opportunity for learning multiple ideas/approaches lead to solutions math makes sense
What are features of a math classroom that promote understanding
These types of tasks not only engage students in productive struggle but challenge students to make connections between concepts and other relevant knowledge
What are High-Level Cognitive Demand Tasks
A structure consisting of a before, during and after component for teaching mathematics through problem solving
What is a 3 part lesson
13.1m X 21.3m = 279.03 square metres
What is the approx. area of our gym