What is the front of the body called when looking at injuries?
The term anatomy is the study of?
An organism and their parts.
Invisible line that divides a body into symmetrical left and right sections is called___________
Median Plane
This is the Longest Region of the Spine
Thoracic Curvature/Spine
Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury.
What is an injury at the end of the limb
What is the act of bending inward?
DAILY DOUBLE: Soft Tissue that have different purposes throughout the body called:
This region has a wide range of motion and includes 7 vertebrae.
Cervical Curvature/Spine
What is an injury that affects muscles or tendons?
An injury closer to the outside of a body part?
What is movement toward the midline called:
Invisible line that divides a body into front and back sections is called_______________
Frontal Plane
This region has the largest vertebrae and a big job.
Lumbar Curvature/Spine
DAILY DOUBLE: An injury needs to involve damage to a _________ and be sustained during an accident.
Specific body part
DAILY DOUBLE: What two parts are present in the central nervous system:
Brain & Spinal cord
What is movement away from the midline called:
This item in the body connects Bones to Other Bones, and in order to keep the connection stable, they are not very elastic.
There are 5 vertebrae is this region of the spine, they are fused together and do not move.
What is a wrench or twist of the ligaments typically (an ankle, wrist, or other joint) called
A Sprain
What is an injury at the top of the limb?
Muscles attached to the back of the spine. They help you stand up straight and lift heavy objects.
The Extensor Muscle
Invisible line that divides a body into upper and lower sections is called ___________
Traverse Plane
What is it called when a thick outer ring of a disc in the spine gets weak and pushes out farther than the vertebral body?
Bulging Disc
What is a region of injured tissue or skin in which blood capillaries have been ruptured called?