This wild west legend started out as a lowly horse thief, and eventually became a US Marshall who was involved in a famous shootout in Tombstone Arizona.
Who is Wyatt Earp?
This staff member is always in shorts rain or shine, day or night, cold or warm. The newest MHC on Team 5.
Who is Cole?
This group of misfits comprising of a billionaire, a couple assassins, a frozen man, a norse god and a who gets a little green when he's angry assembled for the first time on the big screen in 2012.
Who are The Avengers?
This President heralding from Hawaii was the first African American citizen to hold the office.
Who is Barack Obama?
Rascal or psychopath? That's the question many fans of this 1990 christmas movie starring Macaulay Culkin ask after their yearly rewatch.
What is Home Alone?
This western film star, considered the most prolific, starred in 84 westerns including True Grit and Big Jake.
Who is John Wayne?
This aged staff member has a habit of being a bit of a trouble maker, and has a large disliking of Cole's shorts.
Who is Steve?
Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore! Is a snippit of the lyrics from this 2013 Disney film that captured the hearts of children across the world, and who's songs would grow old for all the parents of those children.
What is Frozen?
Who is Teddy Roosevelt?
In 2023 people were delighted to see not one, not two, but THREE of this masked vigilante appear at the same time on the big screen. Spins a web, any size and catches those bad guys like flies.
What is Spiderman No Way Home?
This former A-List actor started his career making spaghetti westerns, and moved into making us all shed a tear and remember the line "Get off my lawn". Do ya feel lucky punk?
Who is Clint Eastwood?
This staff member always takes initiative to keep our unit clean on the nights and keeps us organized and running smoothly.
Who is Veshay?
Keanu Reeves has shown us he can control the matrix, stop a uncontrol train and even knows how to have excellent adventures. But in 2014, he showed us why you don't mess with his dog or steal his car in this landmark blockbuster action movie that went on to spawn 3 sequels.
What is John Wick?
Who is Abraham Lincoln
This TV doctor, meant to be a modern interpretation of Sherlock Holmes, is a genius at solving whatever ailments come through the door. His name is so well known, you don't have a home without him.
Who is House M.D?
This is the term for American western movies that were filmed outside the US to lower costs, in a European country known for the dish that helped coin this term.
What is Spaghetti Western?
The spanish word for pretty in spanish is how you pronounce this staff member's name.
Who is Benita?
Asta La Vista Baby. This sequel to James Cameron's landmark 1991 science fiction film tells the story of a boy and his.... uhhh.... robot as they flee a dangerous foe. This film proves there's no greater friendship than a boy and his dog... I mean robot.
What is Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
This president was the first devout catholic to ever hold the office. His presidency oversaw the Cuban Missile Crisis, and Vietnam. Rumors were abound that he had an affair with Marilyn Monroe.
Who is John F. Kennedy
This legendary blues rock song by The Animals tells a story of sin and misery. My mother was a Tailor, she sewed my new blue jeans. My father was a gambling man down in New Orleans.
What is The House of the Rising Sun?
This western film depicts a slice of Texas' history, one with a memorable call to remember it.
What was The Alamo?
This charge nurse is busy as a bee, always moving and always working. Her workplace is always pristine.
Who is Melinda.
The Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight, The Batman; is one of the most prolific superheroes in media. This director's trilogy chronicling Batman has to this day remained the most prolific and set the example for superhero movies that would follow. This director also directed movies like Inception, Insomnia and Oppenheimer.
Who is Christopher Nolan?
This US President passed away this year at the age of 100.
Who is Jimmy Carter?
This post-modern experimental novel by Mark Z. Danielewski is about a man who discovers a manuscript about a movie that doesn't exist called The Navidson Record. Take a trip to the house on ashtree lane.
What is House of Leaves?