Finish the Vine:
"I'm in me mum's car..."
"Broom Broom"
Who is this guy?
Salt Bae
What kind of phone is this?
According to Prison Mike, what is the worst thing about prison?
The Dementors
Finish the Vine:
"Look at all those..."
Who is she yelling at?
What is this called?
Bop It
In KUWTK season 2 episode 15, what does Kim say to Khloe in this now iconic fight scene?
"Don't be f***ing rude!"
What does this little girl want to do?
Take a nap
What is his name?
Scumbag Steve
What was this "snack" called?
In the American singing competition television series American Idol, what are the names of the 3 original judges?
Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, & Simon Cowell
What is she about to say?
In the animated comedy television series SpongeBob SquarePants which aquatic character from the fictional underwater city of Bikini Bottom hits a dab?
Multiplayer online game in which players used cartoon penguin avatars and played in a winter-set virtual world.
Name all of the Spice Girls
Scary Spice, Sporty Spice, Baby Spice, Posh Spice, & Ginger Spice
What were they?
On the once largest social networking site Myspace, this person would automatically be assigned as the first "friend" of new Myspace users upon the creation of their profiles.
What is their name?
Tom Anderson aka "Tom from Myspace"
This is a commercial for what product?
While on vacation in Bora Bora, what did Kim Kardashian loose in the ocean?
Her diamond earring