Who is the surgical services director?
Jennifer Newman
What does PASS stand for when using fire extinguisher?
Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
What are the regulations require that individuals' medical information be kept secure and private?
For what movement do you tighten stomach muscles, avoid leaning forward, stay close to load, use both arms, push rather than pull, sit close to work, use a chair with good lumbar support, change positions to avoid fatigue?
Pushing and Pulling
What core value is defined as respect for the worth of every person with special concern for the poor and underserved?
Who is the CFO?
Nikki Martin
What does RACE stand for when pertaining to a fire?
Rescue, Alert, Contain, Extinguish
What is any manual method, physical, or mechanical device, material or equipment that immobilizes or reduces the ability of a patient to move his or her arms, legs body or heady freely?
What movement must you maintain natural curves of back, when leaning forward, move your whole body, not just arms, bend at knees and hips rather than your back?
What core value is defined as wise and just use of talent and resources in a collaborative manner?
Who is our CNO?
Jane Rawls
Describes the chemical physical and health hazards how to handle the chemical safely what to do in emergency?
What is for disposal of sharp objects, needles, syringes, blades, and broken glass?
For what movement must you maintain natural curves of back, tighten abdominal muscles, keep load close, avoid twisting, turn entire body, keeping feet and hips pointing in same direction, lift with legs and buttocks?
What core value is defined as service in a spirit of empathy, love and concern?
Who is our COO?
What kind of precautions are used for bacterial meningitis, influenza, adenovirus, mumps, parvovirus b19, and Rubella?
Anytime there is concern about the patient's changing condition, what can you call?
Rapid Response
What is the protective equipment acronym for gloves when in contact with blood, bodily fluids, secretions, and excretions, except sweat, goggles, mask, face shield if splashing to the face is possible, wear a gown if possible contact to your body or clothing, use a mouth to mask device or bag mask device for resuscitation to avoid mouth to mouth contact, contact with sharps requires care and if pricked, report immediately?
What core value is defined as high standards of service and performance?
Who is our CEO?
Chris Karam
How often do you replace the sharps container?
Replace the container when it is 2/3 full
Used with ALL PATIENTS regardless of their diagnosis or presumed infection status, such as PPE's.
Standard Precautions
What characteristic of all medical staff includes being committed to an environment where each person is honored and respected with human differences as the basis of our strength?
cultural competency
What core value is defined as honesty, justice, and consistency in all relationships?