If one user called a target "an idiot and a hoe" which 2 policies would we apply?
What is Bullying II and Sexual Harassment?
This Chicken based chain is closed on Sundays.
What is Chik-Fil-A
What is Lady and the Tramp
These sisters used to reign supreme as the most followed users on TikTok
Who are The D'Amelios
Team Lead of Dynamite 1
Who is Cole Potter
True or False, if a user says they're smoking a blunt but we don't see said blunt, but they blow smoke in the camera, we would apply the drugs tag?
This chain implements a green flavored milkshake around every St. Patrick's Day.
What is McDonald's
Tom Hanks stars as a kind-hearted veteran who could run pretty fast
What is Forrest Gump
The reigning most followed user on TikTok
Who is Khaby Lame
Which 2 Dynamite Members are in the "MEP Program"?
Who are Alex Hanes and Maggie Cusick
A mother seems to be driving and looking at her phone while her child flails around in the back unbuckled, what policy or policies would be apply?
What are Minor Endangerment and Dangerous and Distracted Driving
This fast food chain just launched multiple cantinas where you can purchase alcohol.
What is Taco Bell
This Pixar film about a green ogre amassed a cult following for just memes alone.
What is Shrek
Heralded as the biggest and first musical success because of the app, which rap-country song broke billboard chart records for most times spent at number 1?
What is Old Town Road by Lil Nas X
Which Team Dynamite member is the current reigning recipient of the FYP Award?
Who is Mia Rajasombath
A user is on a live in Live User Appeals with a pup fetish mask seeming to be having a casual conversation with their guest, do we apply policy and if so which ones?
We would apply just Sexually Explicit Product tags and not Fetishism unless the conversation veered sexual or describing their fetish.
This American fast food chain adapted the name of Hungry Jack's all across Australia
What is Burger King
Prince Adam is the real name of this Disney protagonist
Who is The Beast
TikTok used to be known as this app before it assumed it's newer more accesible identity
What is Musicaly
Who is the new On-Site Director of the CoE?
Who is Danielle Collier
A user is on Omegle with their camera framed at their laptop screen, while on they pass a user who is pleasuring themselves but quickly clicks them off. Which policy would we apply?
This is considered the first fast food chain
What is White Castle
Several men "had it coming" in this iconic musical lead Catherine Zeta-Jones and Renee Zellweger.
What is Chicago
When was TikTok originally created?
Which former Team Dynamite member has now assumed the role of CoE Site Coordinator and Chief of Staff?
Who is Brittani Logsdon