This person does not know how to swim
Who is Amy?
This person has 29 house plants
Who is Kim?
This person weaves Balearic style rock slings
Who is Maeve?
This person has two pet boxers
Who is Patty?
This person wanted to be an FBI agent as a kid
Who is Becca?
This person was color guard in high school
Who is Jen?
This person has a cat named Qdoba
Who is Laura?
This person has a phobia of bats
Who is Kenny?
This person used to compete in Women's Bass Fishing tournaments
Who is Teresa?
This person's favorite non household animal is a cow
Who is Alyssa?
This person's favorite meal is Thanksgiving
Who is Heather?
This person is a blackbelt
Who is Bre?
This person met Taylor Lautner during the Twilight fad
Who is Holly?
This person says the Ahead of the Curve acronym "AOTC" means Attack of the Clones
Who is Ben?
This person loves chocolate milk and will drive 30 minutes to get the brand they want. (They do not like Dean's)
Who is Barb?
Who is Sarah?
This person's favorite hobbies are baking and decorating cakes
Who is Claudia?
This person has had 9 concussions
Who is Kaitlin?