On Hold
Phone Status
Tax Trivia
Call Types

I sent my customer a request for more information regarding their SE Expenses, and I'm waiting for their answer. They are On Hold under this reason

What is "Question"?


We use this status to start our day and complete our daily commute

What is "Research"?


This is my client's first contact for their FS Engagement, and they came straight to me. The milestone I see will be this

What is "Welcome Call"?


The original Federal tax returns in the U.S.A. were due on this date

What is March 1st?


This cx wants an expert to do all the work and sign off, resulting in this type of contact

What is Full Service?

My cx's return is complete, I just need them to review it and complete the checkout process. They are On Hold under this reason

What is "Pending Checkout"?


This status is set to last for 90 seconds before putting us back in Available to take the next contact

What is "After Call Work" or "ACW"?

When the Quality Review Team needs a moment to review our work for accuracy, the return will advance to this milestone

What is "Evaluation"?


The first e-filed tax return occurred in January of this year

What is 1986?


This cx is having trouble installing their software, or pulling down a state update. They should come in as this type of contact

What is Product Support?


My Cx stopped talking to me, and I haven't been able to make contact in over a week! They are On Hold for this reason

What is "Unresponsive"?


Name one of the two statuses we never use as Tax Experts

What is "Agent Assist" OR "External Email Support"?


This milestone may become less noticeable this season, because Engagements are automatically closing once all returns are accepted

What is "Post File"?


The Form 1040 has been in use since this year

What is 1913?


My cx isn't sure how to get started, but they want to enter their own information, so they reached out to us for help getting started. Their contact type is this

What is Expert Setup?


We made it! Finished, checked out and filed, but now I'm seeing a rejection notice on the engagement. I've reached out to my client to let them know we have more work to do. The engagement is On Hold for this reason

What is "E-File Rejected"?


This status occurs automatically, and should prompt you to change to "System Issues" to address the situation

What is "Mic(rophone) Unavailable"?


When the entries are complete, but before we can press that e-file button, the engagement will be in this status, indicating that we're ready for the cx to take the next steps

What is "Client Review"?


The earliest known tax records, dating from approximately 6000 BCE were found in what is now Iraq in this form

What are clay tablets?


This cx has most of their entries in place, but they aren't sure what to enter on the current screen or how it will affect their return. They most likely came in as this type of contact

What is Tax Advice?


We hope to never have to use this status, because our tools and software should always work as intended, but every once in a while it becomes necessary to put a return On Hold for this reason

What is "Technical Issue/Bug"


This status is only used for special work and should ALWAYS be manager approved

What is "Project"?


With multiple steps in this milestone, it's one of the most critical to the entire engagement. This is where we confirm the client is in scope, review uploaded documents, and review the Welcome Organizer with our Cx

What is "Gathering Info"?


This U.S. President signed the law establishing a permanent internal tax system.

Who is/was Abraham Lincoln?

This cx did all the work and reached the final review, but they want some reassurance that they've done everything right before they e-file. Their contact type should be this

What is Expert Review?