All docs for the WKG project and CPP projects fall under this NDS 'business line' (Note: Not business unit)
Nelnet Servicing
The acronym FN stands for this.
Facilitator Note
This part of speech encompasses words like and, but, and or.
The first day of spring falls during this month in the northern hemisphere.
This Minnesotan CDD’s favorite color is purple.
This person is the primary SME for EP Military documents.
Robbie Juarez
The most up-to-date FN Template should be accessed at this fairly new location.
New GTD Sharepoint Site
This abbreviation of two Latin words is often used to introduce a non-finite list of examples. It could be used in place of x in the following phrase. I like racquet sports (x, tennis, badminton).
During spring, the Earth’s axis begins to tilt toward this celestial body.
The sun
This CDD has a lot of Star Trek inspirational memes posted around her cube.
When formatting figures, create a solid black line of this width (measured in points, like fonts).
1/2 point
Scripting in FNs is this color.
We try to use this part of speech at the beginning of steps in work guides.
The name of Easter in English is often connected to a goddess from this pre-Christian cultic group with heterogeneous beliefs/practices.
Pagan (Goddess Eostre)
This CDD spend their honeymoon being sponsored to play in a tournament at their honeymoon destination.
When creating CDC tickets, it is considered a best practice to copy this from the document to paste in the CDC ticket Description field.
In this FN section, a 5-letter acronym, scripting is included to indicate how the participant will personally benefit from the training.
‘Whom’ is a pronoun which takes the place of this type of noun in a sentence. HINT: It can be the direct ____ or the _____ of a preposition.
The first day of spring falls during this month in the southern hemisphere.
September (6 months after our spring)
Bill Clinton wrote a reply to a letter that this CDD sent in grade school.
In the About This Document section, this subsection’s table headings are Trigger, Action, and Supervisor/Manager Position title.
Sign-offs, Approvals, and Escalations
This required section near the end of an FN indicates whether learners are required to complete a formal Learning Portal activity.
'It’s really hot today, we’re going to the ocean.'
The comma in the previous sentence should be changed to a different form of punctuation for what reason.
Run-on sentence / Comma Splice
These two US states do not follow daylight saving time.
Arizona and Hawaii
This CDD was supposed to be a twin, but their brother was lost in the womb.
Jaime 'OJ' Weyers