Best Map on Gorod Krovi
How much does a 3rd gobblegum hit cost on round 12 on Revelations
5000 points
On Der Eisendrache, when do you not pick up a death machine when you move over it?
When down, when Disorderly Combat is active, while placing down Ragnaroks CHALLENGE
What is the name of the XM packed
Heliacal Incandescence
What’s the best map on Gorod Krovi, and how much ammo does it start with
L4 Siegeeeeeee, 4/60
Who says the quote “Gondola called”, what map is the quote from, and what do you do to prompt this quote?
(Maxis, Der Eisendrache, calling the gondola)
List all the effects of Armamental Accomplishment
Switch weapons and recover from performing melee attacks faster. Reload and use items more quickly
What does Shi No Numa translate to?
Swamp of Death
What can you throw/launch without pressing lb or rb-
Maxis drone, trip mine, sword, dragon whelp, summoning key
What’s the name of the trophy you get for completing the main easter egg?
Love and War
What is the name of the Banshii when pack a punched?
Slachdan of the Cailleach CHALLENGE
Explain what all the gobblegum colors and patterns indicate
Blue is round based, purple is player activated by pressing up on the D-Pad, Orange is when you do a certain action it activates, green is time based, no pattern is classic, dots is mega, thick white lines is rare mega, smaller wood-like lines is ultra-rare mega
Which robot goes where on Origins?
(Thor Gen 3, Odin Gen 4, Freya Gen 6)
If you have zero bullets on you and three packed guns, what’s the highest number of bullets you can receive from one max ammo in BO3?
On Gorod Krovi 2,110- 690+700+720 (PPSH, BRM, Dredge) CHALLENGE
What are the names of each of the DLC guns on Gorod Krovi when packed?
Apollo’s Ferver, Formless Fear, Grim Reaper, L8 Circus, Maelstrom of Eris
What is the location of Shangri-La?
Unknown mountain range
How many gobblegums are in BO3?
How many pod locations are on Shadows of Evil?
What is the minimum number of bow shots (assume either single or double shot counts as 1, it’s actual times fired not ammo used) with which you can do the lightning bow upgrade?
7- 1 from hitting weathervane, 3 from fires, 3 from putting electric arrow into fires
How many different kinds of traps are there on Gorod Krovi?
6 (Electric, Finger, Flinger, Eye Beam, Mounted MG-42, Bridge/Elevator)
During the Kino loading screen, Richtofen has a journal entry of sorts that you hear, the one ending with the quote “what new questions awaits us in this theater of the damned!” The quote starts with him angrily shouting “Entry” and then a 6 digit number, what is that 6 digit number?
List all the non-gobblegum ways to get free perks/empty perk slots in BO3?
Killing all monkeys before they touch a perk machinee on Ascension, killing a monkey on Shangri-La after it steals a max ammo, on the launch pads in the Biodome on Moon, Q.E.D., using/linking the teleport on The Giant, completing Easter eggs of Ascension/Shangri-La/Moon/Der Eisendrache/Zetsubou/Gorod/Revelations, challenges on Zetsubou/Gorod/Revelations/Origins, Zetsubou fruit plant, Revelations wall run, digging with the Golden shovel on Origins
How many total perk machines are there in BO3? (Chronicles included, if a map has Wunderfizz machines that counts as 1)
86 (Shadows 7, Giant 6, Der Eisendrache 7, Zetsubou 6, Gorod 7, Revelations 8, Nacht 2, Verruckt 6, Shi no Numa 6, Ascension 7, Shangri-La 9, Moon 9, Origins 6)
On Der Eisendrache, the demon voice can tell the player six possible symbols that they to translate for the Void bow quest. What are the six symbols?
Crown, Door, Griffin, Heart, Horn, Stag
What is the time attack reward on Gorod Krovi for completing round 15, and how much time do you have to complete round 15?
Slash N’ Burn, 24 minutes CHALLENGE
List five Q.E.D. effects
(An explosion identical to that of the Astronaut Zombie. Produces a Ray Gun that fires in a circle. Produces a Ray Gun Mark II that fires in a circle. Produces a Wave Gun that fires in a circle. Produces a BRM that fires in a circle. Produces a Pack-a-Punched version of the MR6 (Death and Taxes) that fires in a circle. Produces a Weevil that fires in a circle. Produces a M16 that fires in a circle. Produces a Man-O-War that fires in a circle. Produces an ICR-1 that fires in a circle. Produces a Haymaker 12 that fires in a circle. Produces a KN-44 that fires in a circle. Produces a Drakon that fires in a circle. Produces a (normal or Pack-a-Punched) KRM-262 that fires in a circle. Produces a 48 Dredge that fires in a circle. Produces a VMP that fires in a circle. Produces a FFAR that fires in a circle. Revives a teammate. Teleports the user and/or their teammates to another spot on the map. Spawns an ordinary Frag Grenade. Spawns a Widow's Wine Grenade. Opens or closes a door if near one. Gives everyone in the area a Pack-A-Punched version of their current weapon. Gives all players a free perk. Gives all players the perk the QED is thrown at. Spawns more zombies, which produces a whitish flare.)