Share information efficiently and provide scope for discussion around instruction.
What is the purpose of a team meeting?
Can provide early childhood educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program
What are Preschool Learning Foundations?
Assessment instrument designed for teachers to observe, document, and reflect on the learning, development, and progress of children
What is the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP)?
Social and Emotional Development (SED)
Language and Literacy Development (LLD)
English-Language Development (ELD)
Cognition, Including Math and Science (COG)
What are the DRDP Domains?
Providing personally meaningful learning experiences that enables students to achieve individual needs
What is individualize instruction?
Approach to creating opportunities for social-emotional learning
What is Sanford Harmony?
Mr Z
What is Sanford Harmony doll?
Classroom Assessment Scoring System
What is CLASS?
Class is a tool that observes uses to measure the effectiveness of teacher-child interactions in classrooms.
What is CLASS for?
The Pre-K CLASS describes three broad domains of effective teacher-child interactions: Emotional Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support
What are the CLASS domains?
Refers to specific teaching behaviors that help children develop a kind, supportive relationships, experience enjoyment and excitement about learning, feel comfortable in the classroom, and experiences appropriate levels of autonomy or independence.
What is Emotional Support?
Describes specific teaching behaviors that help children develop skills to regulate their own behavior, get the most learning out of each day, and maintain interest in learning activities. Effective environment
What is organization?
Refers to specific teaching behaviors that support children’s cognitive development and language growth. Brain development
What is Instructional support?
Signs, of effective classroom interactions
What are indicators?
Positive Climate
Negative Climate
Teacher Sensitivity
Regards for Student perspective
What are the Emotional Support indicators?
Behavior Management
Instructional Learning formats
What are the Classroom Organization indicators?
Concept development
Quality of feedback
Language modeling
What are the Instructional Support indicators?
Routines, environments, and materials
What is Curriculum Framework?
Use everyday activities as natural vehicles for developing
What is the Curriculum Framework strategy?
To build capacity for school improvement
What is the role of the principal?