ROR & Random
Responses & Terminations

True or False: 

It is ok to change the script when it doesn't make sense to the student.

Ex: "We give benefits for military service, have you served?"

What is "False"


Finish the limerick:

If, on a coordinator's mission,

they yell you into submission

the student, you see

isn't being friendly,

with 'DNC' you must __________

What is "disposition / decision"


This is the termination for a wrong party who states the PS didn't request the information and doesn't want any more calls

What is "DNC/DNC"


These are all of the seniors on Team Squirrel

Who is:

Brandi, Gio, Javon, Kaitlyn, Lauren, Leah, Maya, Stephanie


Finish the limerick!

With limited gif use it seems

and emojis less than supreme,

Its here you can type,

is it worth the hype?

I'm talking, of course, about ________

What is "Teams"


This the response for a student who says they are "not interested at this time" (DNR state).

What is Another Statement: "Ok, I do understand. this call is to provide you with information, would you like to speak with admissions to learn more about the school?" 


True or false? 

If the PS is being inappropriate (crude, cussing), we must attempt to let the student know we will not be continuing the call if they continue with the inappropriate behavior and get back to the script.

What is "True"


Finish the limerick!

If you're stuck in a transfer-less fog,

 and your calls are starting to bog,

don't take a hike

just look for Spike

He's our good-luck emoji ________

Who is "dog"


This is the termination code for a wrong party who tells us the prospective student is not interested and we have the wrong number.

What is "Wong number/Wrong number"


These are the teams that work the opposite rotation from our team. (This week they work Friday while we work on Saturday)

Who is Team Roland and Team Diana


Finish the limerick:

Recently, to all of our gloom

one app that we loved got the broom,

Let's all pour one out

and try not to pout,

RIP to the champion, __________

What is "Zoom"

This is the response(s) for a prospective student who says they are not interested because they have already spoken with us and they are leaving the country.

What is Spoke To Advisor: "Which school did you speak with? and Situation Changed: "Will you be furthering your education?"