How many SIL staff is in Regina SIL
Quiet place, mindfulness, and reflection
Name 4 causes of stress
What is work life, family life, friends, money, peer pressure, school, grades, etc.?
What is the recommended treatment for mental health disorders in general?
Psychotherapy and psych medications
5 (4) + 3 - 10/2=
Increase physical and mental capacity. Improves mood and anxiety. Does not require equipment
True or False: medication is the only treatment method that works for mental health problems.
False: medication can be helpful, but therapy and counseling are also effective forms of overcoming mental illness.
A mental disorder characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, speech or behavior.
What is Schizophrenia
What year was Canada formed?
Emotional self-care
Healthy ways to process your emotions such as speaking to a therapist, counsellor or an elder. Engaging in activates that makes you happy and recharged.
This affects a person's thinking, feeling, behavior or mood. These conditions deeply impact day-to-day living and may also affect the ability to relate to others.
Mental Health
A person with this diagnosis has a hard time focusing and sitting still making finishing things very hard.
Which bird can fly backwards?
Social self-care
-Interaction with family and friends
These are used to reduce stress and improve mental wellness
What are coping skills
Individual experiences moods that alternate between depression and elation
What is Bi-Polar disorder?
CEO of Turning Leaf
Barkley Engel
Importance of having a work-life balance
-Reduces burnout
-Reduces stress and anxiety
-Increases energy level
Negative, incorrect beliefs; stereotypes; and labels are another name for this.
A pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships and self-image and affect and is marked by impulsivity
What is borderline personality disorder?