Let's Communicate
Team Leadership
Mutual Support
Situation Monitoring
Mix It Up!

A  mnemonic framework used by team members to effectively communicate information to one another

What is SBAR?


A short planning meeting to help the team anticipate the steps that will unfold in their activity

What is a briefing?


I'm Concerned, I'm Uncomfortable, This is a Safety Issue.

What is the CUS tool?


A team outcome that results from each team member maintaining situation awareness, sharing what they know about a situation or process with the team, and ensuring that all team members are on the same page.

What is a Shared Mental Model?


When the attending did not respond to the nurse’s request for “clarity” about a vacuum extraction during delivery, she repeated her concern using CUS

What is an example of the "two challenge" rule?


Doctor: “Give 250mcg of Hemabate IM now”
Nurse: “You would like me to give 250mcg of Hemabate IM?”
Doctor: “That’s correct!” 

Nurse: "250mcg of Hemabate given"

What is an example of closed-loop communication?


Two or more people who interact dynamically, interdependently, and adaptively toward a common and valued goal, have specific roles or functions, and have a time-limited membership

What is the definition of a team?


An effective tool for resolving interpersonal conflict.

What is DESC?


Being watchful of all patients and processes, regardless of role of assignment.

What is Cross-Monitoring?


I think it feels really busy. I see you have a new order on your patient and I wondered if you had a chance to see it yet?

What is an example of Cross-Monitoring?


 transfer of information (along with authority and responsibility) during transitions in care across the continuum. It includes an opportunity to ask questions, clarify, and confirm.

What is a Handoff or IPASS?


What went well? What could be improved? What’s one thing we’re going to do different next time?

What are questions to ask in a debrief?


A shared belief that no one will be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes

What is Psychological Safety?


I’M SAFE, Cross-Monitoring, and STEP

What are tools to support Situation Monitoring?


A simple tool for maintaining Self-Awareness

What is I'M SAFE?


Complete, clear, brief and timely

What are the standards of effective communication?


An ad-hoc meeting to regain a team’s shared mental model.

What is huddle?


A form of mutual support, team members protect each other from work overload situations by fostering a climate where it is expected that help be actively sought and offered.

What is task assistance?


The state of knowing the conditions that affect one’s work, such as status of an event, status of the team’s patients or operational issues affecting the team

What is Situation Awareness?


Human factors, communication breakdowns, poor teamwork

What are the top 3 contributors to sentinel events?


"Kara, I need you to call anesthesia!"

What is an example of a call-out?


Any team member who has the skills to manage the situation at hand

What is a Situational Leader?


Timely, specific, respectful, considerate and focused on growth  

What are characteristics of effective feedback?


Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol and drugs, Fatigue, & Eating and Elimination

What is the I'M SAFE Checklist?


Hierarchy, fear of being wrong, inexperience, and fear of repercussions

What are barriers to speaking up?