Who's father always beat him?
While Christmas shopping with Keisha, Andy became depressed when he saw what?
Santa Claus
Why didn't Andy turn his poetry assignment in?
He didn't want to.
What did the note taped to Andy's locker say?
What does Rob's mother always call Andy on Christmas and tell him to come get?
Come get his rock.
B.J. told Mrs. Sweet that he was afraid of what?
That he would die next.
Why did Andy worry about his younger brother, Monty?
He liked blonde girls.
Why did Andy miss the chance to meet with the college scouts?
His father forgot to give him the message.
At the first home basketball game after Rob died, whose parents did not show up?
Bad advice
What did Andy's teacher tell his parents he did in school?
Set off a bottle rocket
Why did Keisha walk out at the talent show?
Her and Andy got into a fight.
What did Andy do when his class was studying "Macbeth?"
walked out
After Rob died, Andy worried that he was what?
What did Mrs. Sweet suggest Andy's class do?
Write a letter to him.
Andy told Dr. Carrothers that his father never did what?
Came in his room
What was Andy surprised to find out about Dr. Carrothers?
He was black.
He shot himself in the head.
Did the team win or lose the first home basketball game after Rob died?
After Rob died, B.J. started going where?
To church
Gerald said that if he could change the world, he would get rid of what 3 things?
peanut butter, Band-Aids, and $5 bills
What did Andy start to do while on stage at the talent show?
Take off his clothes.
Why did Andy feel responsible for Rob's death?
He was driving.
Why was Rob pinned in the car after the crash?
His feet had gone through the windshield.