Numbers used in coding
What is one's and zero's
Year of release
What is 2009
Name of the frog on a uni-cycle
What is Pepe
Owner of face book
Who is Mark Zuckerburg
Founder of apple
Who is Steve Jobs
Coding programs for simple robotics
What is java
The size of one block
What is one meter squared
Internet terminology for less tech advanced people
App with capability of face filters and a ghost logo
What is snap chat
The fad technolodgy of wireless listening made by Apple
What is a Airpods
The longest used style of programs
What is binary
The boss of the game
What is Ender dragon
Famous meme you tuber
What is Dank Doodle Memes
The app that has content creators and has game, entertainment and many other videos.
What is YouTube
The last phone with a head phone jack
What is the iphone 8 original version
A long form of commands
What is a script
Creator of minecraft
What is Notch
What chararcter plays Big Chungus
Who is Bugs Bunny
Was recently charged with leaking user info to China
What is Tik-Tok
What was the original name for Apple
What is Macontosh
Hyper intelligent codes
What is AI
The oldest anarchy server on minecraft
What is 2B-2T
The character in "Ight Botta head out"
What is Spongebob
A popular way to share a steam of short videos in 2017
What is a Vine
What was the nickname of the first wireless iphone
What is "the brick"