This the amount of ML's in an ounce
An overweight male tabby cat comes in for a complaint of vomiting, lethargy, and urinating outside of the litter box. On Presentation he is howling and painful.
This medication is used to draw out fluid commonly used in heart patients.
This means nothing by mouth
Spot has severe allergies, Chronic intermittent diarrhea, a history of back surgeries and the owner reports severe snoring at night
French Bulldog
The doctor wants 2 tablets by mouth BID for 14 days how many tablets do you dispense
An intact female dog presents for vomiting and inappetence lasting 1 week. On PE she is dull. The O mentions foul smelling diarrhea seems to be leaking out of her and she is urinating a lot.
This medication is commonly used for urinary tract infections. If not given with food it can cause digestive upset.
This means both ears
Fido presents for vomiting of 3+ days owner reports he loves to eat socks Fido is still eating in spite of the vomiting.
Labrador Retriever
Your patient needs 15mgs of Cerenia. How many mls do they need?
An intact male dog presents for sudden onset of drooling, panting, and seemingly trying to vomit. He is unable to vomit. He is tachycardic and in obvious pain.
This medication is often a first line treatment for seizures. It comes in both a regular and extended release version to make dosing easier. Double Bonus for spelling it.
Kepra/ Levetiracetam
This means the pet is both drinking and urinating in excess
Fifi presents for a hematoma that is not healing. He has a history of Von Willebrands
Your patient is on a medication that is 15mg/5ml 1ml BID for 5 days. How many milligrams are they taking daily?
BONUS how many milligrams are they taking total?
A 8 week old Shih Tzu puppy presents for sudden onset lethargy. Upon presentation the puppy is shivering and only semi-conscious.
What sedative can only be given IV?
This means four times a day
Spike presents for a mass that has grown suddenly. Spike has a history of bilateral CCL tears
18 tablets
This sedative is commonly used as a pre-medication for surgeries however is contraindicated in Boxers and dogs with the MDR1 gene mutation
This means cardiovascular system
Fluffy presents for sudden onset seizures and acting neurological after being at the barn with the owner. Fluffy commonly scavenges extra feed at the barn and the owner mentions she dewormed her horse today.
Australian Shepherd/Collie/Miniature American Shepherd