Can I fix or correct my time AFTER I submit it?
Yes, as long as payroll hasn't run yet.
What if I forget how to add Labor to my job? Who would I ask or where would I go?
Training Tab!
What if I forget where to add a Service Report in SPI?
Go to the Training Tab and search by Service Report!
True or False: If a note isn't in SPI, it doesn't exist!
All internal communication needs to be in SPI notes!
What are three things I can find on the Equipment Tab?
Oil Samples, Fault Codes, Event Codes, Open Work Orders, Outstanding Service Letters, Warranty information, SMU history.
Will SPI allow for duplicate time entry?
No. It will create an error message.
What if I need to change my labor from regular time to overtime?
As long as payroll hasn’t run, you can edit your time using the Labor Summary Tab.
What are 3 required fields in a service report?
SMU, location, cause, correction, date of repair, and SIMS.
How would you advise someone to navigate around SPI?
Close out tabs when you are done. Customize your grids to make it easier to find information. Toggle between tabs on the header level of a work order.
If I'm in the Equipment Tab and click on an outstanding service letter, will SPI take me directly to that service letter in SIS?
How often should you review your "labor" in the Labor Summary Tab?
When is the best time to add your “labor” to a job?
Right after you write your Service Report or right after you complete the work. Or as soon as you can.
When should you complete your service report?
As soon as you can!
Can I still use Cat Interact?
Well, you can use it for what it was intended for: External Client Communication. All internal notes must be in SPI Notes. One EMPIRE. One place for notes.
Where would I find fault codes and event codes if my machine has VisionLink?
On Equipment Tab in the Fault Code tab section.
Where can you add labor in SPI? Name 3 different places.
1. On the Labor Tab - + sign
2. While in the Labor Summary by adding a "new labor charge".
3. After you add one line of labor (add more labor).
4. Through the scheduler. Right click on your job and scroll down to add labor.
Who is in control of your labor and getting paid?
You are. You will have the flexibility to add/edit/delete your time as you need to. As long as payroll hasn't run.
Can I edit or revise a Service Report?
Yes! You will create a "Revised" Copy.
How soon will you be an expert in SPI?
Good question. You should be "comfortable" using SPI at the end of this class, but an expert? no one I know is an expert yet. We are all learning together. There are resources on every topic in the Training Tab! Let's offer each other patience and grace as we glide towards ONE EMPIRE!
If you forget how to do anything in SPI, what are three different ways to find help?
1. Search videos and PowerPoint slides.
2. Schedule 1:1 time for help (on the Training Tab).
3. Send an email with a question (on the Training Tab).
4. Ask an Ambassador! They are here to help!
What time of day can you NOT enter time in SPI?
N/A - because you can add time anytime in SPI. If DBS is batching, SPI will connect when done. The labor entry may be delayed, but it will connect. It will be in there!
Does every work order need a SIMS?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Get into the habit.
Can I still use STW if I don't have connectivity?
What are SPI notes used for? And how do you add a SPI note?
Document a status of a job, document a conversation with a client, or to retain information about billing, warranty or other purposes.
From the header level, segment level or Notes tab in the top right.
How do I upload documents into SPI and what is one thing to remember about documents in SPI?
Using the SPI doc folder in the top right or while writing the service report. All documents go to SPI docs. One place for documents. One EMPIRE!