Dance 1
Dance 2
Dance 3

A movement that involves stepping forward, then turning to face the opposite direction 

What is Pivot? 


a movement that involves stepping back onto the ball of one foot and then stepping forward on the other foot

What is ball change?


a turn that is performed with the feet in relevé; the arms are usually in a ballet 1st position and the feet make a circular pattern on the floor; means “chain”

What is Chaine?


—a movement that involves stepping to the side, then crossing one foot behind the other, then stepping to the side, then crossing one foot in front of the other

What is Grapevine?


a movement that is similar to a gallop; one foot steps forward and the other foot is brought forward to meet the foot in front, with arms in opposition; means “to chase”

What is Chasse?


a movement that involves stepping forward on one foot in plié and then twice in relevé with the arms not in opposition

What is Triplet ?


—a movement that involves crossing one foot over the other, then taking a step backwards with each foot, then stepping forward

What is Box step? 


a movement that involves making a small step to the side, then a small step back onto the ball of one foot, then another small step to the side, with arms in opposition

What is Pony?


a movement that involves stepping forward on one foot in plié, lowering to the floor, turning to face the opposite direction and then standing up

What is a seated turn?