What is the English term for “móvil?”
What is the English term for “en línea?”
When you need a break from sites such as Instagram and Facebook, you take a…
social media vacation
What you use to play music/sound for yourself & others
What is the name of the flat, touch-screen device that is like a computer?
A tablet
Term meaning something is not connected to the internet
What device do you use to type on a computer or smartphone?
Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook are all examples of what?
Social Media
The device you use to select/click options on your desktop screen
What is the name of a portable computer?
A laptop
How you watch videos/play music without downloading a file
What is the device you use to print text or images on paper?
When you publish something online, it is called a…
What is the name of the screen that desktop computers have?
What is the name of a watch that connects to your phone?
Term for when you add NEW or different information
An update/to update
A special computer used only for playing games
A gaming console
What is the type of post you see on Twitter specifically?
a tweet
What two things do you need to have an audio & video call online?
a microphone & webcam/video camera
What is the name for THIS type of computer?
A desktop computer
What word relates to the use of computers or internet technology?
Used to listen to music on your own, privately
Headphones or earbuds
The term for digital information (hint: it is measured in bytes and gigabytes)
What is the name for the amount of time you spend on a device?