The way we process information based on our pre-existing values.
what is confirmation-bias
this study looked at how social media, especially Facebook, affects how people see others’ lives.
what is the aim of Chou & Edge 2012
what type of technology can have a negative effect on the brain
what is social media
This type of human memory is similar to a computer's RAM.
What is working memory?
When people prefer information that supports what they already believe.
What is confirmation bias?
A person’s perception and understanding of themselves, including their beliefs and values.
what is self-concept
This study investigated how action video games affect the brain, specifically visual attention.
what is the The aim of “Bavelier et al. (2011)”
This type of therapy, which can be delivered online, is designed to help treat depression by changing negative thought patterns.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or CBT?
When you store information in your brain for a long time, it's called this.
What is long-term memory?
The debate on whether social media companies should track user behavior for ads relates to this ethical issue.
What is data privacy?
How much you like and value yourself based on personal achievements, social feedback, and comparison with others.
what is self-esteem
To test the idea that the successful use of Google to retrieve information made it more likely that participants would rely on Google in the future rather than recalling information from their individual memory store.
what is the aim of storm et al
These virtual environments are used to treat phobias by immersing patients in a controlled, digital version of their fears.
What is virtual reality therapy?
This part of the brain is most responsible for memory.
What is the hippocampus?
This is the practice of making sure that AI technologies are transparent and their decision-making processes can be understood.
What is AI transparency?
Compering yourself to others and evaluating your own worth based on that.
what is social comparison theory
ppts asked to type in 40 trivia facts, some presented new facts, and the other, old facts. Half of the participants were told that the computer would store everything they typed for later reference while the other half were told the information would be erased.
what is the procedure of SPARROW ET AL (2011)
Virtual reality is being used to treat this common anxiety disorder.
What is PTSD?
This is the term for the ability to remember things and use them later in your thinking process.
What is memory retrieval?
A major ethical concern regarding social media is the spreading of false information, also known as this.
What is misinformation?
Judging how common something is based on how easily you remember examples.
what is Availability heuristic
name the study of which they conducted a lab experiment to study anchoring bias
what is Kahneman and Tversky or Strack and musseweller (1997)
This type of therapy uses online chatbots to help with mental health.
What is digital therapy?
This effect makes people forget things they can easily look up online.
What is digital amnesia or the Google Effect?
the process of remembering by piecing together past experiences, influenced by prior knowledge, beliefs, and new information, rather than recalling an exact copy of events.
what is reconstructive memory