Name that term
Organizing Bodies
Patient Safety/Impact
ABCs of Nursing Informatics

the science that encompasses managing and processing information and retrieval of information.

What is informatics


Governing body responsible for approving nursing education programs, defining scope of practices, establishing licensure criteria, developing rules and regulations for guidance to nurses, and enforcing rules that govern nursing.

What are state boards of nursing?


real-time, patient-centered records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users. It is more than a digital version of a patient’s paper chart because its system is built to go beyond standard clinical data collected in a provider’s office while it can be inclusive of a broader view of a patient’s care.

What is EHR



electronic health record


Attending conferences, obtaining certifications, and reviewing research articles are are examples of_____________

What is life-long learning


The automated devices that help reduce medication errors.

What is an Omnicell or Pyxis system?


This organization exists to advance the nursing profession by fostering high standards of nursing practice, promoting safe and ethical work environments, bolstering the health and wellness of nurses, and advocating on health care issues that affect nurses and the public.

What is the American Nursing Association (ANA)?


 This system provide electronic tools that can provide the information and knowledge to assist the nurse in clinical decision making.

Clinical Decision Support Systems



Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act


A patient who is going to surgery has been taught how to cough and deep breathe. Which evaluation method will the nurse use to assure that the patient understood the teaching?

What is return demonstration


The paperless health record that stores all patient information in one location, reducing redundancy and improving accessibility.

What is Electronic Health Record (EHR)?


 This organization strives to build excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the health of our nation and the global community. 

What is the National League for Nursing (NLN)?


This form of technology can help connect distant patients or areas lacking specialists with the ability to receive treatment or assessment. 

What is telehealth



Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Which statement made by the nurse is appropriate to use to assess client understanding of health teaching?

A. Do you understand how to take your medicine?

B. Will you promise to take all of your medicine as prescribed?

C. How are you going to take this medicine?

C. How are you going to take this medicine?


A telecommunication system that allows healthcare information to be sent between patients and professionals at different location.

What is telehealth?


This organization accredits more than 22,000 US Healthcare Organizations and programs.

What is The Joint Commission?


This technology allows nurses to effectively and safely administer medications to patients. It ensures that the right provider is giving the right patient the right medication in the right dose and the right route at the right time for the right reason and documents the result of that administration. The system reduces errors and adverse drug effects. 

Bar Code Medication Administration



computerized provider order entry


Patient's reluctance to read, unsure of which pills they take, and difficulty with follow appointments may indicate __________________

What is low health literacy


the specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and process data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in nursing practice, education, and research

What is Nursing informatics


This group of law-makers define eligibility for government funded health plans.

Who are legislators?


In 2013, these rules were modified to reflect new technologies and to enhance personalization and the quality of health care. Building and maintaining the public’s trust in health IT requires comprehensive privacy and security protections that establish clear rules on how patient data can be accessed, used, and disclosed.

What is the Health Insurance and Portability Act ( HIPAA)


 These acronymns  (COWs), (MPOC),  (CAB) or WOW, and CBG machines represent what concept.

Point of care Technology (POCT)


Which of the following statements by a nursing student demonstrates a need for further education regarding self directed learning?

A."I'm going to need to read nursing journals throughout the span of my career."

B. If I accept that I need to take responsibility for my learning, I am more likely to be academically successful."

C."If I go to every class and listen carefully to the professor, that should adequately prepare me for the exam."

C."If I go to every class and listen carefully to the professor, that should adequately prepare me for the exam."