What does W.W.W stand for?
World Wide Web
What type of connection was used in Web 1.0?
Dial Up Connection
What kind of commerce appeared in Web 2.0?
What other names does Web 3.0 have?
The Intelligent Web or The Semantic Web
What kind of skills did users use in Web 1.0?
Receptive skills
Which was the first emoji?
What could users do in Web 1.0?
Only read and view the content
What could users do in Web 2.0?
Create Content
What is the highlight of Web 3.0?
Artificial Intelligence
In Web 2.0 students became:
Creators of content
Who was the creator of World Wide Web?
Tim Berners Lee
What is the main characteristic of Web 1.0?
Static Pages
How are web applications and sites characterized in Web 2.0?
Interactive and user-centered
How is connectivity in Web 3.0?
ESL Learners could use only lower-order thinking skills such as:
Remembering and understanding
In which year was the first computer created?
What kind of knowledge did you need to have to navigate in Web 1.0?
What digital tools and platforms appeared in Web 2.0?
Social media, job networking and digital marketing
What technological advances have been fostered by Web 3.0?
3D graphics and virtual reality
On which Web did M-Learning appear?
Web 2.0
With which purpose was the Internet created?
At the beginning it was a Military Project
Which search engine was used as a web directory in Web 1.0?
What kind of audio media format appeared in Web 2.0?
What does it mean that Web 3.0 is ubiquitous?
Content is accesible by multiple applications
What kind of teaching has appeared thanks to Web 3.0?
Virtual Classes