Cell Phones
New Devices
Tech Upgrades

The mobile cellphone industry was spread out between many companies before the 2010s began, but as the 2010s came to a close, this Apple cell-phone was far ahead of any other phone for the decade.

What is, the Apple iPhone 6/6+


This unit dubbed the "PS4" was the best-selling console throughout the 2010s.

What is, the Playstation 4


There were many computers released throughout the 2010s and most ran through the Windows operating system. This small, but portable Apple laptop was a great alternative to the bigger windows ran laptops.

What is, the MacBook Air


These Apple brand wireless earbuds took the world by storm on their release date around Christmas season 2016.

What are, the Apple AirPods


This Apple phone was the first to feature a 4K photo and video camera of the iPhone line.

What is, the iPhone 6/6+


This brand, released their "Galaxy" line of phones through the 2010s, and were Apple's biggest competitor.

What is, Samsung


This video game, originally released by Epic Games in late 2017, featured weapons such as the "Gold Scar" and was also one of the first games to incorporate building with weapons.

What is, Fortnite


This mini-computer designed for starter coders released in 2012, has helped many kids around the globe develop valuable skills with technology.

What is, the Raspberry Pi


This intelligent home-pod was one of the first of its kind. Released by Amazon in 2014, this pod responds to commands, prompted by the phrase "Alexa."

What is, the Amazon Echo


This iPhone was supposed to be released, but never was and was instead skipped. The phone that should of been released after it, was the iPhone X which was released in its place.

What is, the iPhone 9


This iPhone was revolutionary in the cell-phone game, as it was the first to not feature a home button, enlarging the screen in turn.

What is, the Apple iPhone X


There were many new devices throughout the 2010s, but this red and blue Nintendo console truly revolutionized the hand-held gaming scene.

What is, the Nintendo Switch


This gaming branch of Dell brand computers gained lots of popularity throughout the 2010s, with many choosing to buy it, over normal Dell brand computers because of its performance.

What is, Alienware


Many smart watches were popular in the 2010s like the Garmin and FitBit, but the same company who created the iPhone, made their own watch. This watch not only tracked health, but also had a big screen where you could do things like text on it.

What is, the Apple Watch


Many cars had normal interfaces with very few options besides GPS, and the occasional Bluetooth music and calling system. That changed in 2014, when Apple released this car integration, which included music, texting, and even things like mobile food ordering.

What is, the Apple CarPlay


At one point, some had the idea to combine gaming with phones. That is why this phone from OnePlus, has been called the best phone from the 2010s purely because of its outstanding overall performance.

What is, the OnePlus 7 Pro


Many enjoyed this XBox exclusive racing game throughout the 2010s. This game has taken place in multiple different continents, including Europe, Australia, and North America.

What is, Forza Horizon


In the 2010s, many different computer models came, and went. However, few like this model have stuck around, mainly because the model has been made by multiple different brands including, Lenovo, HP, and Dell. This model is also used at many schools through the US.

What is, the Chromebook


This tablet is a generation alpha favorite. With aspects of the iPhone in it, this device was able to be used for a variety of purposes, including watching movies, texting, and even video calling.

What is, the Apple iPad


In the later portion of the 2010s, many became bored of having to used DVDs they had to buy or rent, which also required other equipment just to watch a movie. Many others either didn't have the time, or just did not like going to movie theaters. That is what caused this form of entertainment to skyrocket during the end of the 2010s.

What is, Online/Digital Streaming


Released right at the beginning of the 2010s, this BlackBerry phone was one of the first simple cellphones that included things like texting, and could easily fit in your pocket.

What is, the Blackberry Bold 9700


Many different parts were used in the first gaming computers, but as they expanded there became a main choice for graphics cards. This brand, which released the graphics card that has unofficially been named the best of all-time.

What is, NVIDIA


In early 2013, Microsoft released this computer, which can be used as a tablet and also a computer. To this day, many still use them for a variety of activities such as gaming, productivity, and even business or work.

What is, the Microsoft Surface Pro


As Amazon stepped further into the field of technology, they came up with a genius idea. This product is a book-sized tablet make for reading. Books can be downloaded, then read on this device.

What is, the Kindle E-Reader


Before this $17,000 TV was released in 2012, there had never been a 4K TV.

What is, the LG 84LM9600