Ancient Civilization
American Revolution
Famous Leaders
Modern Innovations

This ancient weapon, used by Greek hoplites, was a long, _____ often used in close combat.

What is a spear?


This type of firearm, used by both American and British soldiers, was known for its slow rate of fire and inaccuracy.

What is the musket?


This British fighter plane, known for its role in defending the UK during the Battle of Britain, was famous for its agility and firepower.

What is the spitfire?


This Prussian leader is known for modernizing his army with advanced tactics and training in the 18th century.

Who is Frederick the Great?


This precision-guided missile system, used by the U.S., allows for accurate strikes on enemy targets from long distances.

What is the Tomahawk missile?


This type of ancient Greek warship, known for its speed and ramming capability, played a crucial role in naval battles.

What is a trireme


This American naval vessel, which became famous for its combat with British ships, was one of the first ships of its kind in the Revolutionary War.

What is the USS Constitution?


his German machine, used for encoding messages, was a major focus of Allied efforts to decode intercepted communications.

What is the Enigma machine?


This general, known as the "Desert Fox," was a key figure in tank warfare during World War II.

Who is Erwin Rommel?


This aircraft, known for its stealth technology, was the first of its kind to be used in modern combat to evade radar detection.

What is the F-117 Nighthawk?


This large, stone-throwing machine used in ancient sieges could hurl massive stones over city walls.

What is a catapult?


These metal spikes, scattered on roads or fields, were used to disable enemy cavalry and infantry.

What are caltrops?


This American bomber, which dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was crucial in ending World War II.

What is the B-29 superfortress?


 This U.S. general used railroads and telegraphs effectively to coordinate military operations during the Civil War.

Who is Ulysses S. Grant?


This missile defense system, developed by Israel, intercepts and destroys incoming rockets and missiles.

What is the Iron Dome?


The Romans built this type of fortified road to help their armies move quickly across their empire.

What is a roman road?


This type of artillery piece was used to fire explosive shells and solid shots at enemy fortifications.

What is a cannon?


This technology, used by the British, was essential for detecting enemy aircraft and was crucial during the Blitz.

What is radar?


This French leader used innovative artillery tactics and fast-moving troops to achieve military success across Europe.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are used for reconnaissance and targeted strikes in modern warfare.

What are drones?


This ancient Chinese invention, first used in warfare in the 9th century, was critical for early ___-based weapons

What is gunpowder?


This specialized rifle, used by American riflemen, was known for its long-range accuracy compared to the standard musket.

What is the long rifle (or Kentucky rifle)


This advanced German jet fighter, introduced late in World War II, was known for its speed and was the first operational jet-powered aircraft.

What is the Messerschmitt Me 262?


This Soviet leader is credited with overseeing major advancements in military aviation during the 20th century.

Who is Joseph Stalin?


 This hypersonic missile, developed by Russia, travels at speeds greater than Mach 5 and can bypass conventional missile defenses.

What is the Avangard?