Balance time using technology with time away from technology & Being mindful of how technology affects mental, emotional, and physical health.
What is...
Media Balance & well being?
A "bundle of rights" that the creator of a work is entitled to control if the work is "an original work of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression"
What is...
Passive, Interactive, Creative.
What are students doing with the technology?
Three features to direct instruction
What is...
Learner outcomes, overall flow of instructional activities, learning environment?
1. Learning skills
2. Literacy skills
3. Life skills
What is...
Privacy & security?
Works that belong to everybody and can be freely used without compensating the authors.
What is...
Public Domain?
(RAT) replacement, amplification, transformation
What is how does this use of technology impact the teacher's pedagogy?
Learning that occurs by observing others.
What is...
Observational learning?
What is...
1. Critical thinking
2. Creativity
3. Collaboration
4. Communication
Benefits and risks of sharing personal information, participating positively online, & digital persona.
What is...
Digital footprint & identity?
You paint a mural on a classroom wall as an assignment for your art class.
What is...
I own the copyright?
Which one of the following practices might fall on IR in the PICRAT matrix?
a. digital flashcards
b. lecture with PowerPoint
c. explanatory videos
d. video documentary
What is...
digital flashcards
The theory of learning that emphasizes learning through observation and the importance of learner beliefs about self and learning situations.
What is...
Social cognitive theory?
The three 21st century literacy skills.
What is...
1. Information Literacy
2. Media literacy
3. Technology literacy
Building & maintaining positive relationships, avoiding risky communication (who to talk to & online vs. In-person), civility.
What is...
Relationships & communication
What is...
Factors in determining whether a use of a copyright work is fair use?
A helpful starting point for teachers to begin thinking about technology integration.
What is...
the purpose of PICRAT
What is...
Clarify goals and establish set?
The five 21st century life skills.
What is...
1. Flexibility
2. Leadership
3. Initiative
4. Productivity
5. Social skills
Credible sources, responsible media creation (plagiarism & fair use), conscious media consumption
News & media Literacy?
For a work to be protectable under copyright.
What is...
Must be original and be fixed in a tangible form of expression?
Create, evaluate, analyze, apply, understanding, remember.
What is...
Bloom's Taxonomy?
Practice assigned to students to be completed under the guidence or watchful eye of the teacher
What is...
guided practice?
Most important grade level for teaching 21st century skills
What is...
middle or early high school