Video Games
3D Printing
Social Media
Bonus Questions
How can video games affect our health?
Can make you irritable and makes you lose focus
How can 3D printing help with disabilities? (2 examples)
By printing out prosthetics or organs.
Can you give 3 examples of good effects of social media?
Build relationships! Make new friends. You can make others happy!
What is an example of a responsible use for video games?
Limit your time on your device. Balance your activities by exercise or going outside.
How does Cut the Rope help your creativity skills?
You have to think of creative ways to get the candy into the monster's mouth.
How can action video games help your reactions and multi-tasking?
You have to pay attention to multiple things and you have to react quickly or you will get injured.
What are 3D printers used for?
They are used to make food, toys, and prosthetics.
How can social media build your relationships?
When you look at someone else's post you can like or comment and they can see. You can become friends.
What is a responsible use of social media?
You should take a walk, visit the outside world and limit your time on your device.
What is a game that can help self management skills and planning skills?
Simcity can help with self management skills and planning skills.
What is the average time of an addicted gamer playing video games?
About 6-7 hours a day.
How does 3D printing encourage creativity?
When you build your product on your computer, you can build whatever you want.
What are some negative emotions social media make you feel? (2 examples)
Social media can make you feel sad, lonely, depressed.
What is a responsible way to use 3D printers?
Wear the right equipment (safety goggles if needed) and don't lean into the printer while it's printing because of the toxic fumes. Operate the printer in a well-ventilated area.
Why is the plastic filament known as ABS unsafe?
Because there is a very strong toxic fume.
What happens when you spend too much time playing video games?
You may tend to lie to friends and family, and you can have violent thoughts. You also might be thinking about video games all day and not focus.
How long does it take to print something on a 3D printer?
Depending on the design it can take several hours.
How can you prevent cyber bullying?
The best way to prevent cyber bullying is to not be one yourself. Also stick up for the victim.
what's one way to stop playing too much video games?
Go outside and play instead.
Is the plastic filament known as PLA safe?
PLA is safe. There is not as many toxic smells.
What kinds of skills can you gain from video games?
Creativity, fast reaction, multi tasking
What does plastic waste have to do with 3D printing?
3D printing creates a lot of plastic waste which takes a long time to decompose and is not good for our environment.
Name four types of social media.
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Yik Yak
How can you be responsible after you have been on your phone for a long time?
Have a face-to-face conversation instead of texting.
What is A.B.S?
It means acrylonitrile butadiene styrene. It is a toxic plastic filament.