What is the part of the tooth visible above the gumline called?
Used for measuring the pocket depth.
Commonly 1mm graduations. Pocket depth generally 4 to 6 measurements per tooth, or run probe along entire pocket.
Periodontal Probe
What is the purpose of a Low-speed handpiece/rotating head?
Polish the teeth
Which species of animal has the most teeth?
(Hint: we had them as pets here)
Snails teeth are not like regular teeth. A snail’s teeth are arranged in rows on its tongue. A garden snail has about 14,000 teeth while other species can have over 20,000. But that’s not even the most shocking part: The teeth of an aquatic snail called the limpet are the strongest known biological material on Earth, even stronger than titanium!
Total Permanent teeth for both dogs AND cats
Dogs 42
Cats 30
What are the gums also referred to as
These come in various sizes. Some also have 'wing-like' projections.
Dental Elevators
What is the purpose of a scaler?
To remove tartar from teeth above AND below the gumline.
What animal have the longest canine teeth of any animal?
At three-feet long, the incisors of a hippo can bite right through a small boat.
Normal pocket depth in dogs AND cats
Dogs: 1-3mm
Cats: 1mm
What is the neck of the tooth?
The part of the tooth between the crown and the root located at the gumline
Grip tooth to extract. Small, medium and large. Only use after tooth loosened.
Extraction Forceps
What are two purposes of a Periodontal Probe?
Measure Sulcal Depth and to Measure Gingival Recession
This animal's horns are actually made out of teeth
It’s scientific name, Monodon monoceros, comes from the Greek term meaning “one-tooth one-horn.” A narwhal’s horn can grow longer than 8 feet and is used to “taste” the concentrations of chemicals in the water around it to find food.
Plaque can form within ____ hours
What is the fibrous structure which holds the tooth in the alveolus
Periodontal Ligament
Tartar Removal Forceps
Ultrasonic scalers use electrical power to convert these types of waves into mechanical vibrations
Frogs and Toads are both amphibians however one has teeth and the other does not - which is which?
Frogs HAVE teeth
Toads DO NOT
But they both swallow their food whole!
Aerosolized bacteria can travel___ feet during a dental prophylaxis
6 feet (4-6)
What is the socket that surrounds and supports the root of the tooth called?
Used for decaling inside and outside gingival pocket (rounded back doesn't damage gingiva). Also used for root planning.
What is the purpose of a dental elevator?
To loosen and sever periodontal ligament and elevate tooth from alveolus during extraction.
This insect who's a common parasitic host have 47 teeth - who are they?
How long does it take for lidocaine to take effect and how long does it last?
It takes effect in 3-5 minutes and lasts 1.5-2 hours