The last book of the Gospels of the New Testament?
What is the Book of John?
What are the first 5 books of the bible?
What is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
Who is Samson?
Around what year was Jesus born?
What is 4 BCE or 0
The last book of the old testament?
What is the Book of Malachi?
How many books are in the Bible?
What is 66?
Who was the wisest man in the Bible?
Who is Solomon?
The apostle who was a physician?
Who was Luke?
The books of the Pentateuch?
What are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy?
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
What is "Jesus wept." John 11:35?
Who were the most fireproof men in the Bible?
Who were Shadrach, Meshach, and AbedNego
The prophet that tried to escape from preaching God's word in Nineveh?
Who was Jonah?
The book In which we can read of David and Goliath?
What is 1st Samuel?
What is the shortest book in the Bible?
What is 2 John, it has only 13 verses?
Who was the first female judge in Israel.
Who was Deborah?
Simon Peters profession?
What is a fisherman?
The first child ever born?
Who is Cain?
The gospel written by a tax collector?
What is Matthew?
What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
What is Psalm 119, it has 176 verses
Who was the richest man in the Bible?
Two men ( 1 OT 1 NT) with the same name who dreamed of the future?
Who was Joseph (Son of Jacob) and Joseph (Father of Jesus)?
The location of the birth of many languages?
What is the Tower of Babel?