What kind of leaves did Adam and Eve use in an attempt to cover their nakedness? 1) Fig 2) Sycamore 3) Palm 4) Olive
What is FIG LEAVES Genesis 3:7
According to Matthew, what did the sign say above Christ's head on the cross? 1) This is Jesus the Jewish Messiah 2) This is Jesus the King of Israel 3) This is Jesus the Lord over Israel 4) This is Jesus the King of the Jews
What is This is Jesus the King of the Jews Matthew 27:37
Where was Paul when he wrote the book of Colossians? 1) in the temple 2) in the desert 3) in prison 4) on a ship
What is in prison Colossians 4:3
Which book of the Bible contains these words?: "Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name." 1) Jeremiah 2) Psalms 3) Revelation 4) Zephaniah
What is Psalms Psalms 100:4
What is the best way to learn more about the Bible? 1) Enroll in a seminary 2) Attend a church 3) Use computer software 4) Read the Bible
What is Read the Bible No Specific Verse
On `day six`, what did God do? 1) Created living creatures of the sea 2) Gathered together the waters into seas 3) Created living creatures of the air 4) Created living creeping things on land
What is Created living creeping things on land Genesis 1:20-23
Who or what rolled the stone back from Jesus' tomb? 1) Jesus 2) an angel 3) the women visiting the tomb 4) a great earthquake
What is AN ANGEL Matthew 28:2
Where was Peter when he had the vision of the unclean animals? 1) on the roof 2) in the temple 3) in Rome 4) in the kitchen
What is on the roof Acts 10:9
In which book of the Bible are these words written? ''Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God." 1) Revelation 2) Isaiah 3) Genesis 4) Jude
What is Isaiah Isaiah 40:1
Who was bitten by a viper and yet suffered no harm? 1) Paul 2) John 3) Jesus 4) Peter
What is Paul See: Acts 28:3
Who built ancient Babylon (Babel)? 1) Asshur 2) Enoch 3) Nimrod 4) Merodach
What is NIMROD Genesis 10:8-10
What color did the men of Babylon wear? 1) green 2) black 3) white 4) red
What is RED Ezekiel 23:14-15
Which one of these was not a punishment that God sent against Jerusalem? 1) disease 2) famine 3) war 4) frogs
What is frogs Ezekiel 14:21
To whom is the book of Philippians addressed? 1) all the saints 2) bishops 3) deacons 4) all of the above
What is all of the above Philippians 1:1
Who reminded the believers that there would be mockers in the last days? 1) Peter 2) James 3) Andrew 4) Thomas
What is Peter See: 2 Peter 3:3
Who built a city and named it after the name of his son, Enoch? 1) Cain 2) Lamech 3) Jabal 4) Terah
What is CAIN Genesis 4:17
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul mentions what two types of bodies? 1) old and new 2) dead and alive 3) natural and spiritual 4) thin and fat
What is natural and spiritual 1 Corinthians 15:44
Instead of obeying the LORD, to which city did Jonah flee? 1) Nineveh 2) Tarshish 3) Babylon 4) Joppa
What is Tarshish Jonah 1:3
Which is the only book in the Bible that does not mention the name of God? 1) Esther 2) Ruth 3) Joel 4) Ecclesiastes
What is Esther Esther 1
Mary, the mother of Jesus, had other sons whose names were: 1) Thaddaeus, James, Joses& John 2) Nathan, James, John & Simon 3) James, Joses, Juda& Simon 4) Joses, Juda, Heli& John
What is James, Joses, Juda & Simon See: Mark 6:3
Methuselah is recorded in the Bible as having lived the longest life - 969 years. Who is recorded as having lived the second longest life - 962 years? 1) Jared 2) Adam 3) Enoch 4) Lamech
What is JARED Genesis 5:20
What was written on the scroll that the Lord showed to Ezekiel in his vision? 1) the judgment for the Israelites 2) the sins of the people 3) the names of the elect 4) lamentations, mourning and woe
What is lamentations, mourning and woe Ezekiel 2:10
In what region did the man who had had the legion of demons tell his story? 1) Rome 2) Joppa 3) the Decapolis 4) Jerusalem
What is the Decapolis See: Mark 5:20
What quality of Jesus does Mark underscore more than any of the other gospels? 1) his suffering 2) his love 3) his humanity and deity 4) his healing powers
What is his humanity and deity Mark 1
Who instructed Christians to greet one another with a kiss? 1) Paul 2) Paul & Peter 3) Peter 4) Jesus & John
What is Paul & Peter See: Romans 16:16