Science Experiment
Throwing Shade
I Love L.A.!
Vroom Vroom
What are those?!

This physicist's second law of motion states that Force equals mass times acceleration.

Who is Isaac Newton?


This tree, known for its deeply lobed leaves, is the national tree of the United States.

What is an oak tree? 


This NBA team has won a record 17 championships and has called Los Angeles home since 1960.

Who are the Lakers? 


This 2001 movie about street racing led to one of the highest-grossing film franchises of all time.

What is The Fast and the Furious?


These shoes are designed to cover the entire foot and ankle, often made of leather and worn during colder months.

What are boots? 


This element, with the atomic number 6, forms the basis of all known life on Earth.

What is carbon?


This fruit, known for its spiky outer layer and soft, edible inside, grows on palm trees.

What is a coconut? 


This famous hillside sign originally read "Hollywoodland" and was an advertisement for a real estate development.

What is the Hollywood sign? 


This safety device, first introduced by Mercedes-Benz in 1971, inflates upon collision.

What is an airbag? 


These sparkling ruby shoes helped Dorothy return home in the classic film The Wizard of Oz.

What are ruby slippers? 


This type of rock forms from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.

What is igneous rock? 


This species of tree shelters the boy and the giving tree in Shel Silverstein’s famous children’s book.

What is an apple tree? 


Opened in 1935, this iconic outdoor venue is nestled in the Hollywood Hills and is known for its signature white bandshell.

What is the Hollywood Bowl? 


This part of a car reduces friction between the engine's moving parts.

What is oil? 


In this country, it's customary to remove your shoes before entering someone's home as a sign of respect.

What is Japan? 


This organ is responsible for filtering blood and producing urine.

What are kidneys? 


This type of tree is the most common species found in the Amazon Rainforest.

What is a Brazil nut tree? 


Designed by architect Frank Gehry, this shimmering building in downtown LA is the home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

What is the Walt Disney Concert Hall?


Henry Ford revolutionized car production with this manufacturing technique in 1913.

What is an assembly line? 


This Italian brand is known for its high-quality leather shoes and its double G logo.

What is Gucci? 


These molecules, known as the building blocks of proteins, are encoded by sequences of three DNA bases.

What are amino acids? 


This fungal disease, carried by beetles, devastated American elm trees in the 20th century.

What is Dutch elm disease?


This 73-story skyscraper, the tallest building in Los Angeles until 2022, is crowned by a unique glass slide.

What is the U.S. Bank Tower? 


This prestigious motorsport event takes place annually in Monaco as part of Formula 1.

What is the Monaco Grand Prix?


This Japanese brand is known for its "Gel" cushioning technology, popular among runners.

What are ASICS?