Types of Violence
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Name 2 types of abuse.

Physical , Emotional , Sexual .


He or she tries to control your life, telling you whom you can and cannot see, how to dress and how to act.



What percentage of teens have told anyone about the abuse they have experienced? A)18% B)33% C) 56% D)85%

B) 33% 

Only 33% of teens in an abusive relationship EVER tell someone about the abuse they have experienced. 


This may affect a person's mood and disposition, sometimes acting as a trigger for violence.

Alcohol/Drug Abuse


If trapped in an abusive relationship, who did teens say they would ask for help first? A) Parents B) Teacher C) Friends

C) Friends. That's why peer education and support is so important!


Is a pattern of repeated, unwanted attention and contact by a current or former partner that causes fear or safety concern for an individual victim or someone close to the victim.



Angelina is talking with a guy friend on her phone, and her boyfriend, Brad, sees her texting the friend. Brad gets mad and yells at Angelina. Whose fault is it for getting Brad mad? A) Angelina B) Brad C) Angelina's guy friend

B) Brad. He is choosing to yell and be angry. It his his choice in how he reacts to the situation.


Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. A) False- the number is too high B) False- the number is too low C) True 

C) True


What is cyberstalking? Give one example.

When individuals use social media platforms, such as  IG ,Snapchat, Twitter, to follow or harass an individual.


What can you do to be supportive towards a friend that is in an abusive relationship?

Tell a trusted adult, be supportive, and do not judge them, Do Not Gossip.


What one is your dating right? A) To set your own limits. B) To end your relationship. C) To be equal. D) All of the above.

D) All of the above.


Boyfriend/girlfriend becomes angry if you talk to anyone else.



What percentage of teens believe Teen Dating Violence is a SERIOUS issue? A) 35% B) 55% C) 80%

C) 80% of teens believe Teen Dating Violence is a SERIOUS issue. 


If the person you are dating is always telling you how to look, to wear make up or certain clothes, to look nice or they won't be seen with you, is that verbal, emotional, or mental abuse?



Unhealthy relationships only happen when one person makes the other person mad. True or False

False. Unhealthy relationships happen because one person wants to have power and control over the other person. It's never your fault, even if you say or do something that makes the other person angry.


Give 2 examples of Emotional  Abuse ?

Name calling, making threats, control, gaslighting, turning the blame on you.


Yells, punches walls, screams, or threatens to hurt you.

a. Emotional Harm 

b. Physical Harm 

C. Both

C- Emotional & Physical Harm . ex .creating a  Hostile Environment.


One in ____ teens reports knowing a friend or peer who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped or physically hurt by a partner. A) 3 B) 5 C) 12 D) 20

A) 3

One in three teens reports knowing a friend or peer who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped or physically hurt by a partner.


How can we prevent teen dating violence?

Prevention  Education -During the pre-teen and teen years, it is critical for youth to begin learning skills to create and maintain healthy relationships, including managing feelings and communicating in a healthy way.


Unhealthy relationships only happen for which group of teenagers? A) Athletes B) Poor teens C) All teens can experience unhealthy relationships  D) Only teens who have unhealthy examples and/or unstable home lives

C) All teens can experience unhealthy relationships


Non-physical sexual behaviors like posting or sharing sexual pictures of a partner without their consent or sexting someone without their consent.

What type of violence /Abuse is  this ?

Sexual  Violence /Abuse .


Excessive attention, admiration, and affection with the goal to make the recipient feel dependent and obligated to that person,

Love Bombing .

One in ____ high school students have been purposefully hit, slapped, or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend. 

One in 10 high school students have been purposefully hit, slapped or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend.


Youth who are victims of teen dating violence are more likely to:

  • experience depression and anxiety symptoms
  • engage in unhealthy behaviors, like using tobacco, drugs, and alcohol
  • exhibit antisocial behaviors, like lying, theft, bullying, or hitting
  • think about suicide

Which one is the correct definition of teen dating violence? A) Pattern of controlling, and abusive behaviors of one person over another within a romantic or dating relationship. B) When one person hits another person while dating or in a relationship.

A) Pattern of controlling, and abusive behaviors of one person over another within a romantic or dating relationship. 

It can include verbal, emotional, physical, sexual, and financial abuse. It knows no boundaries and crosses all lines of race, socio-economic status, etc.