Naming and Taming Emotions
Crisis Survival Skills
DBT Bonus

Name one of the three "What" skills of mindfulness

Describe, Observe, or Participate


The acronym F.O.R.K.S. reminds us of ways we can take care of our body to take care of our emotions. 

Choose one of the five letters and tell us what it stands for

F - Fuel your body

O - Out and active

R - Respond to illness

K - Keep clean

S - Sleep well


When you practice self soothing, you use your senses to feel comfortable and lessen pain. What are your five senses? 

Vision, hearing, sight, smell, and taste


True or False: I should get mad at myself when I mess up and don't use my DBT skills.

50 Bonus Points: Why or why not? 


In DBT, we assume that all people (including you) are doing the best they can, with the skills they have, at all times. We also assume that using skills takes practice across different spaces, including home and school. 

If you make a mistake, you still did the best you could in that moment. You can learn from your mistake and practice your skills more in the future. You may also need some more help from family and friends. 


What is the closest living relative to the T-rex? 

a. crocodile

b. chicken

c. gecko

d. emu

b. Chicken!


Wise mind is the balance between __________ mind and ___________ mind

Emotion mind and reasonable/logic mind


True or False: Opposite Action works the best when you only do it a little bit. 

False: Opposite Action is most successful when we act opposite all the way


True or False: You should always use crisis survival skills to avoid feeling unpleasant feelings. 

False: Crisis survival skills can help survive painful situations without making harmful decisions from a place of emotion mind, and to give you temporary, planned breaks when needed. 

It is still important to feel your feelings, even if those feelings themselves are painful.


True or False: I have to remember and use every DBT skill I learned if I want to have a good life 

50 bonus points: Why or why not?


DBT has a LOT of skills because everyone is different. It's okay if I only liked and remembered one skill. That's one more skill than I had before. 




Describe this photo of a cake using non-judgmental language

There are many correct answers. 

Non-judgmental descriptors include: Pink, face, glasses, smiling, bald

Judgmental descriptors include: ugly, funny, weird, bad


In "Get the Scoop" we gather all the facts on a situation to tell the full story. Why would someone want to use the skill "Get the Scoop" ?

Figure out if their emotion's action urge is helpful

Problem solve for the future

Validate their emotion

Or any other example that makes sense


True or False: When handling stressful situations, it's important to balance taking breaks with addressing the crisis. Breaks and vacations work best when they're planned and temporary.

True. Breaks are important! Take them when you think they could help you, and have a plan for when you're going to come back to problem solving


Which skill category is considered the "core skill" and is used as the foundation for the other DBT skills?

a. Mindfulness

b. Naming and taming emotions

c. Crisis survival skills

a. Mindfulness


Which animal is known to plant thousands of trees across the world? 

Hint: You've probably seen this animal this week



Give an example of a way someone can use the "participate" skill

Examples: Dancing, signing, swimming, running, playing sports, painting, building legos

Anytime a person is fully engaged in their experience (not thinking of other things), they're participating


The acronym ABC reminds us of ways we can increase positive emotions. 

The "A" stands for "accumulate positive experiences". What does this mean?

Accumulate positive experiences means doing things you find pleasurable, fun, and meaningful, every day


In the skill "IMPROVE the moment", E stands for "Encouragement". Give an example of a way to use encouragement to cheer yourself on. 

Examples: Tell yourself "I can do it!"

Listen to a song that motivates you


Name one of the roles/jobs of emotions


Motivate us to act

Communicate to others

Give us important information


In what year was YouTube created?

Hint: Somewhere between 2000 - 2015



Give an example of a time you used your wise mind.

Hint: Wise mind might be good for communicating, making decisions, responding to events/situations, relationships, balance 

When we are in Wise Mind, we are able to feel our emotions and focus on the facts. In Wise Mind, we make decisions based both on how we feel and the facts. Wise Mind helps us do what is healthy and effective.  


Kat’s friend is coming over for a sleepover and Kat would like to clean her room so they can have a fun time. Kat looks at all the stuff on the floor of her room and thinks “I don’t have enough time!” 

Emotion: Kat feels overwhelmed 

Action Urges: Kat wants to lay on her bed and watch tik tok 

How could Kat use opposite action in this situation?

Kat would identify her action urge of laying in bed as unhelpful to her goal of having fun at her sleep over. 

Some examples of opposite actions include: 

Taking deep breaths

Turning off her phone

Standing up

Start cleaning

Think about cleaning and breaking it down into steps


Which of the T.I.P.P. skills is this person practicing? 

T - Temperature! Use ice or cold water to tip the temperature of your face


What does "dialectics" mean?

Hint: You can explain it by giving an example. 

Dialectics is the idea that two things, that are seemingly opposite, can be true at the same time. 

Some examples: 

My mom is mad at me right now, and she still loves me

I got a low grade, and I tried my best

I miss my old friends, and am happy I met my new ones


Think carefully: 

Sean’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle, and _____? 
