What is it called when you get a picture of your bones at the doctors
True of False: Depression disorder is for people who are "sad or upset?"
False: A depression diagnosis is made when at least five of the following symptoms occur nearly every day for at least two weeks:
True or False: All Stress is Bad
False. You may think any type of stress is bad, but that isn't the case. Good stress, or eustress, is the type of stress you feel when you're excited. Your pulse quickens and your hormones surge, but there is no threat or fear. Some amount of stress is needed to perform during many situations in life: exams, new situations, job interviews, speaking, meeting new people, and running from tigers.
How many chambers are in your heart
Thigh bones are stronger than concreate?
What is the largest bone in the body
Which of the following is not linked to depression?
a. back pain b. upset stomach c. kidney stones d. headache
c. kidney stones
What percentage of teens will struggle with depression before they reach adulthood?
Over 20%
What cell protects us against infections
White blood cells
Small intestine is how many feet long?
1 inch 23 ft or 600 inches
How many bones in the adult human body
206, 306, 555
What % of teens in the US are diagnosed with anxiety?
According to the National Institue of Mental Health, approximately 1 in 4, 13-18 year-olds- have an anxiety disorder. (6% have a sever anxiety disorder)
What is it called when you deliberately stay away from most people?
The ribs protects your what? How many ribs are there?
Protects your lungs and we have 24
Someone with anxiety should avoid situations that cause stress.
First, that's impossible. Second, viewing yourself as fragile only tends to lead to more anxiety. Remember that you can be anxious and still accomplish what has to be done.
Where is the smallest bone in the body
Ear the stapes
True or False: Mental Health conditions develop from genetics only?
Many factors contribute to the development of a mental health condition, including life experiences, biological factors, and family history of mental illness
How many hemispheres does the brain have?
Largest organ in the body>?
Soft spongy material inside bone is called what?
Bone marrow
How many (Million) of Americans are diagnosed with a Mental health condition?
57.8 million or 1 in every 5 Americans
How many new brain cells do adults grow per day
300 *700 500