how often should you wash your face per day (minimum)
twice a day
small, noncancerous growths that form when the skin rubs against itself. They typically don't require treatment.
skin tag
self care is not important
true or false
false self care is important
another word for oil in the skin world
raised red spots with a white center that develop when blocked hair follicles become inflamed or infected with bacteria
you do not need spf on cloudy days
true or false
false you need spf everyday!
true or false its okay to sleep in your makeup occasionally
false, you should never sleep in your makeup
small, inflamed, pus-filled, blister-like sores (lesions) on the skin surface.
a common ingredient that may help treat acne
salicylic acid
how many different grades of acne are there?
GradeSeverityClinical findings
IMildOpen and closed comedones with few inflammatory papules and pustules
IIModeratePapules and pustules, mainly on face
IIIModerately severeNumerous papules and pustules, and occasional inflamed nodules, also on chest and back
IVSevereMany large, painful nodules and pustules
another term for "not pore clogging"
when referring to moles and dermatology what does the ACRONYM ABCD stand for?